How does baggying work? Pic request


Well-Known Member
Hey! I have superdry so i may have to look into baggying, but everytime i read someone's tutorial they just say something vague like i baggy with a supermarket bag or I wrap the supermarkert bag on my head!
My head can't get around that! (sorry)

I can't imagine it! Maybe I'm just dumb but how the hell are you putting a bag on your head??
I am really having trouble here.
Can someone post pics or point me to a youtube video?
The grocery bag is an option but you can use a plastic conditioner bag or saran wrap...when I baggy - I would put conditioner on dry hair put a conditioner bag on and put on a scarf (when I baggy overnight) -

I don't have a pic- sorry
The grocery bag is an option but you can use a plastic conditioner bag or saran wrap...when I baggy - I would put conditioner on dry hair put a conditioner bag on and put on a scarf (when I baggy overnight) -

I don't have a pic- sorry

what's a conditioner bag?
like a plastic cap?
can you also just baggy with a plastic cap?

I used to do a full head baggy overnight with a plastic cap & a little moisturizer & oil. It worked great at the time, but now that my hair is longer it is easier to just baggy the ends. I do still DC overnight but its not exactly the same thing.
Try it out see if it works for you! I love it!