How do you use your Vatika Oil?


New Member
I just got my Vatika Oil in the mail today and applied it as soon as I got it out of the box. My hair softened instantly. I've never had an oil do this for me before. Even the occasional Olive Oil application can leave me with hard hair. The Vatika melted right in, though I must admit I may have been a bit heavy handed with it.

So anyway, how do you guys use this stuff? Do you apply it at night and wash in the morning or do you just apply it and leave it in?

I'm loving the way my hair is looking (extra shiny) and feeling right now.
I mix some of it with my MTG and apply it to my scalp for growth stimulation. and i also use it as a pre poo (just the Vatika, not the MTG mix) or a leavin depending on how i'm feeling.

Also, i bought my 3 year old daughter her own bottle. I put it in her hair to make it soft (sometimes i pre poo her hair with it too :sekret:)and i massage her scalp with it and other oils.
I alternate it and BT every other day for hair growth and scalp health. I use it for my ends. I use it for scalp massages. I used it today on my baby's cradle cap. :babyb: