how do you use OCT/Mega tek??


hey guys.. okay Im looking to start using either the growth aids OCT or megatek because my hair grows super slow. So I was wondering exactly how should be using this?? I kno some people are saying they use it on days they wash and they just let it sit for a while then rinse. But is anyone using it by mixing it with an oil nighly or every other night without washing it out??.. cuz i wash my hair once a week.. and I dont think using the product once a week would give me much results. pleasssseee help!

I'm in the category that uses MT once a week. As a student I don't have time for constant washing and that way I figure it can sit in my head all week. Although I've only been using MT for 10 days now I've already seen growth. The very front and sides of my hair, which are also the coarsest :drunk: grow extremely slow. When I started MT at 4 weeks post I hoped that those parts had grown but I couldn't feel much (for reference my perm usually starts growing out in about a week). Today, 10 days later, I can see a definite growth!

Sorry to go off on a tangent but basically, it doesn't seem to matter (at least for me) how often the MT is applied. It seems like the length of time that the MT sits in your head is more important.
I currently apply OCT ~4 - 5 days a week and only wash once a week. I'm going to start with Mega-Tek this week mixed with some oil and apply ~ 3 times a week and continue washing once a week.
yanira.. your schedule sounds alot like mine.. my washing process takes so long so i dont have time to be applying somthing in my hair a couple times a week and have to wash out every time i apply it.. Guess what i was wondering is if it was okay to sit on ur scalp for a week, without having to wash it out.
Snuckles.. what has your growth been like applying it that many times a week?? and have u had any negative side effects like shedding?
westndbeauty.. so u only leave it in overnight and wash it out? u dont leave it on ur scalp for a long period??... what has your growth been like?
Snuckles.. what has your growth been like applying it that many times a week?? and have u had any negative side effects like shedding?

I haven't been tracking my growth, I know I suck. I think I'm going to start this week since I'm switching to Mega Tek. I must tell you that I did experience shedding. But so far it's not anything that I can't handle. I just put crushed or chopped garlic in some olive oil, nuke it for ~30 seconds making garlic oil. Before I wash I apply this oil to my scalp as a pre-poo. I currently do this twice a month.
yanira.. your schedule sounds alot like mine.. my washing process takes so long so i dont have time to be applying somthing in my hair a couple times a week and have to wash out every time i apply it.. Guess what i was wondering is if it was okay to sit on ur scalp for a week, without having to wash it out.

It seems to be okay so far. I remember reading that gymfreak was protein sensitive like I seem to be and she was okay with leaving it on all week. However I apply my mix to my hairline every day, because that area needs some extra TLC. This week I decided to experiment by putting some more on last night but only on the very front and sides of my hair. I haven't re-washed my hair since Thursday. I let you know how it goes.
I am using both MT/OCT I mixed it with rosemary oil Castor oil, Bee mine serum, Jajobo oil and I put it on everyday and I Cowash like every 3dys. I do not use any other products that have protein. I also moisture with Beemine Deja milk and S-Curl no drip. When I am lazy I leave the mix in for like 4days. My growth is going well I am like 13wks post.
Thanx msplatnum.. My next question was gonna b for the ppl who are leaving this in their hair for a couple days what oils r u mixing it with???
Are OCT and Megatek different? Can anyone suggest where to buy it/them for the best price(s)? TIA.

From all the research ive been doin on this site.. it seems as though the products are very similar with the ingredients. Megatek is the cheaper one of the 2.. And some say that magatek was intended for animal use and OCT for human use.. Also some people say that OCT is a little more gentle than megatek. So im looking more into OCT even though its the more expensive one, I just feel a little bit more comfortable knowing that it was made for humans
Thanx msplatnum.. My next question was gonna b for the ppl who are leaving this in their hair for a couple days what oils r u mixing it with???

I'm mixing mine with Jojoba oil and Silk Amino Acids. When I go home I want to try swapping the Jojoba oil for JBCO. I don't use exact measurements but I use a little less than a half dollar of MT, 3 drops of SAA (which I think is effective in 1-2%) and about 7 drops of Jojoba. I like to make sure the mixture isn't too runny.

Slight OT: :grin: I've added SAA to all of my conditioners and DC's. I didn't want to believe it can really see a difference in how soft my hair feels.

ETA: My hair was fine when I washed today. I noticed that since I've been using MT my hair has regained some of its elasticity.
bumping because my megatek just arrived in the mail.

this is my first time buying it but I did notice the container says it's safe on humans as well.

The person that sold it to me (ebay) sent instructions
to put 1/2 tsp is a little dispencer with water to rub on scalp & hair. I just did that but i'm wondering what everyone else is doing and if I should use oil in stead.
^ I wouldn't/don't apply it on the hair. I've done a lot of research on MT and I've read countless posts about the setbacks caused by applying MT to the entire head. I'm pretty sure (but not 100% positive) that MT is a protein. So it could cause an overload. Since I've started MT I don't use any other proteins and my hair is doing well.
^ I wouldn't/don't apply it on the hair. I've done a lot of research on MT and I've read countless posts about the setbacks caused by applying MT to the entire head. I'm pretty sure (but not 100% positive) that MT is a protein. So it could cause an overload. Since I've started MT I don't use any other proteins and my hair is doing well.

thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna wash it out and re apply on just the scalp. DO you need to do a moisture DT after leaving it?