Realistically... this is what worked for me...
Read the bible.... and learn about how God wants you to live...
Know that God knows you are human and are sinful by nature.... so learn to forgive yourself when you mess up, because u know God has forgiven when you ask... Think about it like a father and daughter relationship - not like a king and servant relationship. Trust that Godis looking out for you and is protecting you 24/7.... do not be afraid of any situation.. because God will always bail you out.. might not be the way you want it, but trust that things will work out the way they are meant to be...
Work on yourself and becoming a better person generally... don't tell lies, dont cheat anyone or anything (like trying to get more taxes by claiming deductions that u dont qualify for.. or falsifying income to get , if you think it'll hurt God... or if you are not sure what u r doing is right... dont do it.... Obey authority... including parents, the police... lol... follow laws .... Don't talk about people behind their backs.. If you wont like someone to do it to you, dont do it to anyone... Help people as much as you can..
Following God's ways to me... is really simple... if you focus on following God's ways... praying (you dont have to kneel down and close your eyes... God is present everywhere... just chatting randomly with God while driving is praying too)..... Read the bible... (get a good audio bible so you can listen on the go)....
Find a good church family.... people who are not extreme.. not judgmental.... people who are focused on just loving God and improving themselves instead of how righteous they are and how everyone else is inferior and going to hell.... don't believe everything your pastor tells you.. lol... if it doesnt make sense.. it's probably false... lol
Dont judge, or look down on anyone... gay, muslim, thief, or drug addict.... If you find yourself unconciously looking down on someone, ask God to forgive you because it is not your place to judge anyone... judgement is reserved for God.... and treat everyone very kindly...
Hope some of these things help...