How do you trim: wet or dry?


When I used to flat iron, I would trim my ends dry. Now that I rollerset, my ends always come out looking sleek although I know that they are really split. How do yall trim, wet or dry?
I think most relaxed heads trim dry and naturals trim wet...someone correct me if I'm mistaken.

I always trim after a good flat iron...that way I can be sure my trim is as even as possible.
Ladylynn said:
Is their a difference between trimming wet or dry? I mean, is one more beneficial.
I think the main benefit of trimming wet is being able to control the hair more. When trimmed dry you cut less.

ETA My stylist trims dry hair.
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Always wet, i just feel like there its a bit more precise. It makes it easier for me to rollerset.
All my hairdresser's have trimmed wet. Usually, which has ALWAYS worked best for me, my hairdresser dusts while rollersetting. With each piece, she snips off ends that are a little thinner. This has ALWAYS resulted in an even cut, but then again, she has known my hair for quite a while :)
hairmaster said:
When do you see split-ends, dameged hair. When it's dry right so I trim dry.

Hmm... that's interesting. I notice mine a lot now on my wet hair. If I wet my hair completely, I can easily see the splits because they will look like tree branches while the other hair is sleek.
I trim on dry hair, I just prefer it because the hair falls off the scissors and don't get stuck to everything as much like wet hair does. :look:
It goes both ways for me...when I'm checking for split ends...i'll trim/dust my hair when it's dry...when I just want to even things up...I'll have someone trim my hair while wet.