How do you trim/dust WITHOUT heat...


New Member
Hey all,

I decided to cut the last 2-3 inches off of my hair. My sis told me she wasn't going to do it so I decided to take matters into my own hands:scratchch I used to trim my hair all the time so I am not worried about messing up, just never without heat!

I do not want to use heat or straighten my hair. I told mself I wasn't using heat until July and I meant it lol.

So my question to you is how to you dust without heat? Do you dust when wet or do you air dry? Do you find that once your hair is dry that it it shorter than expected?

Do you comb the hair all back or keep a part in the middle? As you can see I am kinda lost. Help!
goldensensation said:
Trimming while wet is easiest, but you may end up taking off more than you originally intended.

That's what I'm, worried about. My hair has a tendency to look thinner while wet! Any more advice?
MizaniMami said:
That's what I'm, worried about. My hair has a tendency to look thinner while wet! Any more advice?

When I trim while wet, I do it with my "rinse out" conditioner still in my hair. Not my leave-in. That way, you will get rid of any loose cut hairs in the shower or sink (instead of leaving them in your hair).
I did it I did it!

I trimmed about 2 inches off. I made it a blunt cut, no more V (for now, I know she'll come back) But the funny thing is Even after, I am STILL at the length I was before. I noticed it looks even and it feel shorter but once I took the pic it was totally the same length. It may have grown lol! Anyways. Here are some pics for proof. My hair is only 30% dry (70% wet) so excuse the thin ends. And where my thumb and middle finger meet is my BSL line (didn't have a bra on and I was too lazy to get one). It feels so much better!!!

My bad for the big ole pics: The BSL pic was May 5th or 6th and the white tee pic was today.
msshic said:
Looking good girl....I have a "V" too, you make me want to trim.

Can u explain how you did it? TIA

Thank you Msshic and Mestiza!:p

I really don't have a technique, I detangled as much as I can then just took section by section and trimmed. I didn't trim to get rid of my V but to get rid of my uneven ends. I miss my V, I feel in love with her.;)
Looking good MizaniMami ypu'll be a BSL before you know it!!!!!
Great cut also. Did you use 2 mirrors to cut or you just did it without a mirror?
wadadligyal said:
Looking good MizaniMami ypu'll be a BSL before you know it!!!!!
Great cut also. Did you use 2 mirrors to cut or you just did it without a mirror?

Thanks girl! I used 2 mirrors!