How do you Texlax??

Multiple Choices Allowed:How do you texlax?

  • Apply CONDITIONER w/ relaxer & leave on just a couple minutes

    Votes: 42 19.4%
  • Apply OIL to new growth/then relaxer for just a couple minutes

    Votes: 31 14.3%
  • Just leave relaxer on for a couple minutes only

    Votes: 67 30.9%
  • I use Phyto Specific to texlax

    Votes: 16 7.4%
  • I haven't found texlaxing to be successful for me/Never tried it

    Votes: 81 37.3%

  • Total voters
i just yuse a mild even though my hair is coarse

i leave it on for 5 minutes less

plus its broken down 2mins b4 i wash off

my hairs still very wavy
I've texlaxed for years and also make sections. My scalp is based and I make sure my length is well coated with oil (Keracare Essential Oil or even vegetable oil works).

I apply relaxer only to the newgrowth and I smooth it with the back of a comb and my fingers, doing it all in 10 minutes. I rinse well, washing the section 2-3 times with neutralizing shampoo.

I apply oil to the whole section I just relaxed and twist up into something like a bantu knot securing it with a Good Hair Days pin and covering it with plastic. Then onto the next section. Doing this in sections give me more "time" with those 10 minutes.;)
I'm trying to transition to a texturizer. I stretched for 27 weeks then applied the kid's soft and beautiful texture softner (mixed w/ sunflower oil and olive oil) to my new growth for 10 minutes. I love the out come. Next time I'll leave it on for only 5 minutes. I still have waves and texture to my's super soft...and I can now do decent roller sets, which I absolutly love. What's cooler, it that I did it myself and it came out salons were needed:lol:
I usually mix conditioner in my relaxer and let it stay in for less than 5 minutes. This has actually made my hair stronger.
Kayluv said:
Are there any benefits to texlaxing?

When you texturize you are not chemically breaking all the bonds of the hair. It will leave most of the curl there. This over time will lead to a head of hair that is thick and full to the ends.

cneal said:
by golly, i guess i've been texlaxing my hair all this time and never knew. i never leave the relaxer on my hair the entire amt. of time and i add olive oil to it...

learn something new everyday...

That's how I do it. I add about 1 TBS olive oil to my relaxer, mix, apply and leave it on for something like 20-22 minutes. I wind up being about 80% relaxed. I did this accidentally the 1st time, but now I prefer it that way.:D

ETA: I also add pure silk amino acids (from and conditioner to my pre-relaxed strands to protect them from damage.
Softresses said:
When you texturize you are not chemically breaking all the bonds of the hair. It will leave most of the curl there. This over time will lead to a head of hair that is thick and full to the ends.


Thank you for explaining!
Thanks for all your responses! Still though, those who texlax with Phyto index I or II could you please post your regimen? Also, for those who have tried many other relaxer systems and then switched to phyto...what would you say is the best? Phyto or the other relaxer system? Why?
nice. wat about if you start texlaxing after years of relaxing, will you have to cut your length due to straight ends and curly roots. Will the relaxed portion eventually break off, or is this when you use protein, and moisturize moisturize moisturize
Such a great thread... cant wait to begin texlaxing in a few weeks!! This Friday will be my 4th week post relaxer.. tryin to stretch it to 10. I think I can do it. :)
lucy said:
nice. wat about if you start texlaxing after years of relaxing, will you have to cut your length due to straight ends and curly roots. Will the relaxed portion eventually break off, or is this when you use protein, and moisturize moisturize moisturize

This is just what i was wondering. My hair is relaxed but i've been stretching for almost 12 weeks (and am trying to hold out until December) and have been thinking of texlaxing this year when my stretch is over. I dont want to cut my hair off at all (now or in Dec. :nono:)just to start over with new growth just to texlax.

Is there a safe way relaxed heads like me can texlax (or texturize) the relaxed ends along with the newgrowth, without my hair breaking off or falling out?

Or do i have to wait until my newgrowth reaches shoulderlength (or whatever length), then cut my relaxed hair off and then apply it?

I love the look, but dont want to start over or wait for my newgrowth to get to SL or APL. If its that difficult, then i guess i just wont be able to have that texlaxed hair that i've been wanting. :( :( :(

bumping for response!
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awesomely_nappy said:
This is just what i was wondering. My hair is relaxed but i've been stretching for almost 12 weeks (and am trying to hold out until December) and have been thinking of texlaxing this year when my stretch is over. I dont want to cut my hair off at all (now or in Dec. :nono:)just to start over with new growth just to texlax.

Is there a safe way relaxed heads like me can texlax (or texturize) the relaxed ends along with the newgrowth, without my hair breaking off or falling out?

Or do i have to wait until my newgrowth reaches shoulderlength (or whatever length), then cut my relaxed hair off and then apply it?

I love the look, but dont want to start over or wait for my newgrowth to get to SL or APL. If its that difficult, then i guess i just wont be able to have that texlaxed hair that i've been wanting. :( :( :(

bumping for response!

There are several ladies on the board that are transitioning from relaxed to texlaxed hair. I would definitely do a search and hit them up with questions. I believe that it can be done and yes you are going to have to maintain a protein, moisture balance and probably trim every now and then. Since permed hair can not be reverted eventually you are going to have to cut it off. IMHO
Blackoutzangel05 said:
There are several ladies on the board that are transitioning from relaxed to texlaxed hair. I would definitely do a search and hit them up with questions. I believe that it can be done and yes you are going to have to maintain a protein, moisture balance and probably trim every now and then. Since permed hair can not be reverted eventually you are going to have to cut it off. IMHO

I am one of those women who did the transition. I went from bone straight @100% to only about 65-75% texlax. It set me back from my goal a bit, but the payoff out weighted everything. My hair is very thick now. And I can do a wash and go style and it looks cute (not limp). At first, I was fighting the two textures, but after awhile it got easier. If you learned how to handle your new growth during a long stretch, then you can go texlax with minimal problems. Dominican products help a lot. C/O wash helps a lot. I try to keep heat to a minimal/ to none. I use it mostly when I have to do a trim. When your whole head is texlax it’s a beautiful thing, because your hair would be stronger. That’s just my opinion.

awesomely_nappy Most people use regular relaxer to texlax their hair. I leave my relaxer on for 13 mins max. If you buy a (real) texturizer and use it with your relaxed hair, you will lose your hair. There are two different chemicals used in a relaxer verses a texturizer. If you want the texturized look just leave your relaxer on for a shorter amount of time.

I found this for you. I hope it kinda helps.

Kaaronica Evans-Ware
BellaOnline's Ethnic Beauty Editor

Texturizer vs. Relaxer

I was recently asked what the difference between a texturizer and a relaxer is. The purpose of a texturizer is to unwind the natural curl pattern. Your curl pattern is genetically predetermined from the chromosomes your parents gave you. If you want to change that then you’ll need the help of some strong chemicals. A texturizer will help you keep the curly hair given to you by your parents but make it more manageable. The result will most likely be longer, more defined curls.

On the other hand, relaxers will loosen the curl pattern to the point of near straightness. In order to do this, the relaxer, once applied to the hair, will make the cuticle swell. The cuticle protects the cortex and it runs the length of the hair. Once the cuticle swells, the relaxer then can better penetrate the cortex. All sorts of scientific processes occur once the chemical relaxer penetrates the cortex but the finished product will be permanently straightened hair.
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Great thread! I am natural but have recently considered lightly relaxing my nearly APL hair. I had a consultation with a stylist and one of the first questions she asked is if I wanted to wear it curly still sometimes. I was so happy because I didn't have to explain the whole, "I don't want my hair bone straight" thing to her. She uses Mizani products and said I will only have to come in 3 - 4 times a year! I'm totally pumped. I plan to get this done in 3 months.
Texlax is the way to go for me. I take SILK ELEMENTS LYE mild to the salon. Going into week 7 post relaxer and I'm finding the painful line of demarcation is not {actually none} as pronounced as when I used regular; my scalp is also not visible beneath my hair. Conditioner shampooing, curl activators, oiling did not help to increase combability before but problem. I do sometimes miss the sleekness of REGULAR lye but the texlax benefits outweigh.
Was natural for 1.5 yrs.Went to a stylist and let her "texlax".The result was frizz frizz and more frizz.She said she used mizani mild. iI based my scalp lightly since it was a virgin texlax. She Put it in Combed it with a fine tooth comb while i was processing and left it in half the time. I went back 12 weeks later and she slapped perm half way up the shaft of my hair. So now im perm laxed. Long story short do it your self.
smallheadbaldhead said:
Was natural for 1.5 yrs.Went to a stylist and let her "texlax".The result was frizz frizz and more frizz.She said she used mizani mild. iI based my scalp lightly since it was a virgin texlax. She Put it in Combed it with a fine tooth comb while i was processing and left it in half the time. I went back 12 weeks later and she slapped perm half way up the shaft of my hair. So now im perm laxed. Long story short do it your self.

Wow! Thanks for this advice! I believe the stylist was going to use Mizani mild on me as well. I just gave my mom a virgin relaxer with Phytospecific II and I am considering tex-laxing with Phytospecific I now. Thanks again for posting your experience.
sunshyne_krissy said:
Thanks for all your responses! Still though, those who texlax with Phyto index I or II could you please post your regimen? Also, for those who have tried many other relaxer systems and then switched to phyto...what would you say is the best? Phyto or the other relaxer system? Why?

bumping :)
DenverGirl said:
bumping for i have a question, too :)

where do you get the SILK ELEMENTS MILD LYE relaxer?

Awww thanks DenverGirl :) ! I wish I could answer your question but I am totally out of the relaxer loop now.

I still wanted to know for the tigtly coiled/curled 3s and the 4-ish textured ladies if they texlaxed with Phyto I or added some oil to Phyto II. I really want to texlax (I'm all natural now and probably APL stretched) for my wedding in August and I'm still on the fence on whether to get Phyto I or Phyto II and perhaps not leave it on as long. I really don't want bone straight hair since I'll have to wear the wash n go look regularly but I don't want it to be too underprocessed. *le sigh*
I texlaxed for a year using Phyto Index I and adding two tablespoons of EVOO to it each time. I also based my scalp and didn't leave it on for as long. I have since gone back to Sof n' Beautiful Botanicals but am debating going back to the Phyto.

I LOVE the thickness of texlaxed hair.

Managing the two textures of texlaxed and fully relaxed hair is tremendously challenging so just make sure you figure out a strategy for detangling and such to keep hair loss to a minimum.
OneShinyface said:
I texlaxed for a year using Phyto Index I and adding two tablespoons of EVOO to it each time. I also based my scalp and didn't leave it on for as long. I have since gone back to Sof n' Beautiful Botanicals but am debating going back to the Phyto.

I LOVE the thickness of texlaxed hair.

Managing the two textures of texlaxed and fully relaxed hair is tremendously challenging so just make sure you figure out a strategy for detangling and such to keep hair loss to a minimum.

Thanks for this OneShinyface. (I am also a hello kitty fan :) )
If a totally 4b person texlaxes, what does the wash n go look like. since we have no curl pattern at all what does it look like. Please let me know and direct me to photos w/ 4b wash no goes. thanks in advance.