How do you tell a sensitive person you're not interested?


New Member
I don't know if I'm looking for advice or if I just want to vent... unfortunately because of the two people involved in this situation I don't have many people I can talk to about it without stirring up ish...

Well basically, one of my close friends confessed his love for me and has asked me out twice since my ex and I have broken up. I'm not interested, but I don't know how to tell him without hurting his feelings. He's a great guy, he's been there for me a lot, but he's also fragile and he's already told me that every person he's asked out so far has said no. It's not easy for me to just reject him, because I know it was really hard for him to actually tell me how he felt, and I'm afraid that by rejecting him we'll lose the closeness we had before all the romantic things popped up.

Another friend of mine said nearly the *exact same* things, only he didn't ask me out for obvious reasons. I was fine with that, because he meant them in a just friends sense. (Although he admitted today that he was also interested in me, because I started venting about my other friend... I guess he thought I wanted to say yes or something.)

I just... I do NOT want to deal with this. I've been avoiding talking to one of them because it just makes me so uncomfortable... I don't wanna have to hurt one of my best friends feelings because I'm not romantically interested in him. I am greatful for the comfort during hard times, I'm just really not okay with two men telling me how deeply they feel for me all within the same couple of days... I feel like if I respond positively to both of them I'm inevitably lying to one.
Tell him you love him, but you are not interested in him romantically. You can't let the fact that other women rejected him guilt you into dating him. That's not fair to either of you.

Also, if you are not clear than you ARE going to end up in a relationship with him. I wasn't clear with one guy and we ended up in a long relationship with heartache and the rest of the nonsense and he wasn't even the kind of guy I ever imagined myself with in the first place!