How Do You Take Your Vitamins


New Member
got my vitamins today!! How should i take them. I have:

Biotin 1000mcg
L-Cytesine(howver u spell it)
Cod liver Oil
and Viatmins C

How should i do it, should i just take it all at once???
I would recommend that you take them with a meal. You can spread them out throughout your day also. However, I take the cod liver oil first thing in the morning on my way out the door. I read somewhere that said cod liver oil works best if taken in the morning.
I take 7 a day when I'm acting right /images/graemlins/grin.gif. I take them all at once after I eat the first meal of the day with a bottle and a half of water (it usually takes that much to get them all down). HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
L-cysteine is most effective when taken on empty stomach as do all protein supplements.
I take all my supplements on an empty stomach and with lots of water,except for the fat soluble vitamins I take these with a meal.
CICI, my cousin did tell me that about the l-cysteine, but somehow I forgot. Glad you posted /images/graemlins/smile.gif. I am really going to try to remember again to take that one when I wake up. I just like to get them out the way all at once, but I guess it's not such a good idea /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif.