How Do You Take Your Flaxseed Oil?


New Member
I'm looking for ideas!

I just started on Udo's Choice DHA Oil Blend. It's an omega 3-6-9 oil blend that doesn't contain fish oil (I'm allergic to many types of fish). I tried to be gangsta the other day and take it straight. Never again! :barf: It wasn't so much the taste as it was the weird, gaggy feeling of having OIL slide down your throat.

At any rate, I'm looking for more pleasant ways to get my daily tablespoon of flaxseed oil. So far, I've mixed it in oatmeal and spinach dip.:lol: Can't taste it at all! I also plan to mix it with my salad dressings. Any other ideas? Your tips might be really useful to somebody out there contemplating flaxseed oil, so speak up!
janeemat said:
Usually in my oj, yogurt or oatmeal. Sometimes straight (1 tblesp)

How does it mix with liquids? I plan to try it in my protein drinks (as soon as I restock my whey protein powder), but that's made in a blender, so I'm not worried about the oil separating out. How do you get it to mix with your OJ?
I take two tablespoons daily. I think I'm supposed to space them out, but I don't because I just want to get it over with. I swallow a tablespoon and then take a big gulp of juice immediately afterward. This masks the taste. I've tried taking it straight, no chaser, but I feel queasy when I do that.
Khalia27 said:
I take two tablespoons daily. I think I'm supposed to space them out, but I don't because I just want to get it over with. I swallow a tablespoon and then take a big gulp of juice immediately afterward. This masks the taste. I've tried taking it straight, no chaser, but I feel queasy when I do that.

Yeah, that was my problem. I had to eat something right afterward to get rid of that icky, queasy feeling.:perplexed
I take a straight tablespoon. The taste doens't bother me at all.

Try it over a small salad if the taste is buggin' you.
EMJazzy said:
I take the gelcaps...have you thought of trying them?

I considered it, but I think you get more of a benefit taking the actual oil. You have to take several of the gelcaps to get the same nutrients as in 1 tbsp. of the oil.

Plus, I already take too many pills.:look:
Instead of the oil, I take the actually flax seeds found at GNC. They are called cold-milled flax seeds...they are very fine and tasteless, really. I usually just measure out a couple tablespoons and swallow down with water or any other beverage. You can also sprinkle them across salads or other foods.
I mix flaxseed oil with my salad dressing. It really masks the taste and the salad along with the salad dressing still tastes great!
EMJazzy[B said:
]I take the gelcaps[/B]...have you thought of trying them?

Me, too. I couldnt stand the taste of the oil. I take the Omega 3-6-9 capsules by Now, but I still get great results.
Lately, I've been taking a tablespoon of the oil and put it under my tongue (that way I can't really taste) and hold it there. I then take a cup of orange juice or sometimes daily 2oz. of carrot juice and gulp it down at one time.
I take the 1000mg capsule just before bed or after a major meal - works for me and makes my eyes look glowy:look:
I just bought some flaxseed oil yesterday, I put a tablespoon in my oatmeal this morning. I think I'll continue with this method.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I have a flaxseed oil pill that I take...I don't know if I could do the straight liquid...

Totally OT but that picture is you siggy is beautiful. Congratulations.


On topic- I was thinking about this the other day when I saw the pills at the grocery store. I know this will be the only way for me to take it. My throat rejects oils.
this is my mix:
two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar
one tablespoon on flaxseed oil
one tablespoon of honey.
8oz of water.

i was already taking the apple cider vinegar and honey drink. for the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar check out this link:

so when i started taking flaxseed oil, so i just added the flaxseed oil to the mix.

it tastes pretty good.
I just make sure I have a cup of juice right near by. I tried mixing it with my juice, but I swear I can still taste it as I drink my juice.
I pour it on my rice or millet. It tastes yummy, IMO.
Otherwise I take a tablespoon and have a small glass of staight lime or lemon juice near by. The lemon/lime juice is so strong it cuts the flavor out of my mouth quickly.
I used to take flaxseed oil. But now I put two tablespoons of Forti-Flax (cold milled flaxseeds) right into my yogurt every day. :)
I usually take it straight. It doesn't bother me at all.:nono: :lol: Sometimes I put it over a salad, or in my oatmeal with walnuts and dried cranberries.
either in my yogurt or in my protein smoothie. have you tried that yet? now my smoothies taste wierd when i DON'T put the oil in it :D