How Do You Stretch????


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

I'm a natural 4b (I think?) and have been wearing my phony pony this week. The probem is that my hair is only SL/CBL, not sure what's what, and shrinkage is crazy!!!!!! In order to even stretch my hair enough to put it in a ponytail to fit under the phony pony, I had to blow dry, which didn't stretch it enough so I ran a hot comb through it. That was on Sunday, it's Wednesday and each day it get's harder and harder to fit my hair into a ponytail. Does anyone know of any method that will stretch my hair after washing that won't require so much heat? Or am I doomed until my hair gets longer?
I'm fairly new, but what has been working for me is warming up organic coconut oil and massaging into newgrowth after wash and deep condition. It keeps the new growth soft and using wave nuevoue (hope I spelled it right) throughout my hair and brushing with a denmon. Also a little gel to keep the hair in place. My hair is just about APL and I have two plus inches of new growth. The moisturizer and coconut oil keep my new growth soft.