how do you sleep in rollers?!


New Member
I would really like to cut out my weekly flat iron session for the healthier roller setting alternative. However I just do not have the patience or tolerance for the dryer so I would like to try letting my hair dry overnite in the rollers. Please for those of u who sleep in rollers, how do you do it? Do you place the rollers strategically so that it doesn't interfere with you sleep. Please let me know.
You can place them all in the middle of your head like a mohawk, therefore the rollers are not on the sides of your head restricting a comfortable sleep. Lindy told me this technique, maybe you should ask her if you need more informattion
You can place them all in the middle of your head like a mohawk, therefore the rollers are not on the sides of your head restricting a comfortable sleep. Lindy told me this technique, maybe you should ask her if you need more information.
very carefully. I usually stay up as late as I can then use a pink Momma's family satin bonnet that enlarges on the top. I slepp on my stomach with my head placed on my arms.
I've slept in roller for for years now and it honestly doenst bother me anymore. Just make sure there not too tight because that can hurt when you lie down and isnt good for your scalp.
I've slept in the big gray magnetic rollers from Sally's with no problems. I wrapped a silk scarf around my rollers before going to sleep, and I slept fine. I'd only advise you to put the rollers in early, so your hair will have plenty of time to dry. I gave my hair 10-11 hours, and my hair still came out slightly damp; next time, I will rollerset earlier. BTW, when I rolled, I kept the rollers away from my ears, so when I slept, the rollers wouldn't be pressing against my ears.
i wish i could sleep in rollers, but the slightest touch to my head makes me have bad headaches. I have problems with migrains and its the worse