How do you seek God and His peace when you feel distracted and in turmoil?


Well-Known Member
I'm going through some things...mostly inside of me. I feel anxiety, fear, and hopelessness. I don't feel at peace and I know that I need to seek God and strengthen my relationship w/ him.

I started going to church 3 weeks ago. I haven't been reading the Word everyday only because my focus is elsewhere and I just feel so
fustrated.:( When I do read the word, I feel like my mind is so scattered.

When you guys feel like this, how do you make yourself focus on God and how did you get through it?

Also, what scripture(s) should I start reading???
When I am confused and scatter my Aunt is strong is her walk suggested:

1) Before reading, say a short prayer asking God that His Word be revealed to you.

2) A paster suggested to me when I first was saved, to start by reading the new testament books.

3) Lastly, my advise to be patient in your walk and Pray for strength, obedience and understanding. I got saved at 16, I am now 22. I am still learning trying to read the word. I pretty sure there are women on this board older than me who are still struggling the same as us.

I don't like the term backslide, but you may. You may got church for a while read, and then get caught up with life. You may continue doing some of the sins you repented. Then you may start again, get further and go back.'

It's a process, but no matter what God will always be there and he is a forgiving and loving God. As long as we are trying and not taking advantage of this relationship, I think we are fine.

Take it one day at a time. I personally when I feel confused with God...I read proverbs and psalms for inspiration.
Shinka said:
When I am confused and scatter my Aunt is strong is her walk suggested:

1) Before reading, say a short prayer asking God that His Word be revealed to you.

3) Lastly, my advise to be patient in your walk and Pray for strength, obedience and understanding. I got saved at 16, I am now 22. I am still learning trying to read the word. I pretty sure there are women on this board older than me who are still struggling the same as us.

It's a process, but no matter what God will always be there and he is a forgiving and loving God. As long as we are trying and not taking advantage of this relationship, I think we are fine.

Take it one day at a time. I personally when I feel confused with God...I read proverbs and psalms for inspiration.

Excellent advice!
I find that if I talk to God EVERYDAY when I wake up in the morning (I usually get up a half of an hour before I need to), I can focus clearly on my day and get my day started on the right foot. This will lessen the "clutter" and scatteredness(not a word) that you may encounter. Also, one of the things that my pastor says all of the time is that people are too stuck on formalities. You don't have to always actually get on your knees to pray, and it definately doesn't have to be only when you are at church. Go to the bathroom at work and take a few minutes to still yourself and talk to God! Don't laugh, it works! HTH!
crlsweetie912 said:
Excellent advice!
I find that if I talk to God EVERYDAY when I wake up in the morning (I usually get up a half of an hour before I need to), I can focus clearly on my day and get my day started on the right foot. This will lessen the "clutter" and scatteredness(not a word) that you may encounter. Also, one of the things that my pastor says all of the time is that people are too stuck on formalities. You don't have to always actually get on your knees to pray, and it definately doesn't have to be only when you are at church. Go to the bathroom at work and take a few minutes to still yourself and talk to God! Don't laugh, it works! HTH!

Thanks for the advice. I will start to take time to pray/talk to God in the mornings. I will also read the bible in the mornings.
The distractions comes from the enemy this what he suppose to do. You desired to do good but evil is always present. So just look at this if your life depends on it. I would suggest along with the other input:

1. Use some bless oil to anoint your head, eyes, ears etc. this is needed guard your mind.

2. Read the Bible as suggested with the short prayer asking God to keep you focused. Learn power scriptures so when the enemy comes and their is not Bible around you can recite scripture to get him out of your face.

3. Become active at Church and meet other young Christians. I got saved at 11, was in ministy at 19. There more to being young than making mistakes. I decided that I was not going to let anything stop my relationship with God. When I had bad days I worked harder the next day. When the devil see you so determine he starts to slack off and focus on people around you to annoy you.

4. As stated be patient, you are still a babe in Christ and God is so happy you are His child. Keeping a relationship with Him through prayer and reading your word is the absolute key to successful Christian life. God knows you just started your walk and He will be there EVERY step of the way.

We are all praying for you and fully confident that you and God will make it through. TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME.
crlsweetie912 said:
Excellent advice!
I find that if I talk to God EVERYDAY when I wake up in the morning (I usually get up a half of an hour before I need to), I can focus clearly on my day and get my day started on the right foot. This will lessen the "clutter" and scatteredness(not a word) that you may encounter. Also, one of the things that my pastor says all of the time is that people are too stuck on formalities. You don't have to always actually get on your knees to pray, and it definately doesn't have to be only when you are at church. Go to the bathroom at work and take a few minutes to still yourself and talk to God! Don't laugh, it works! HTH!

I feel like I'm on the right track then. I have my very own special prayer spot in my company bathroom and if the day is not going so well I visit that spot up to three times a day. My co-workers probably think I'm crazy
It is definitely not an easy thing to do. I don't feel like talking to anyone when I'm going thru something. But I imagine how Jesus must have felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. All of the anguish He felt at that moment, but it's nothing like the presence of the Lord to see us through. I remember a time when I was going thru a very difficult situation in my life and I knew that no one could help me, comfort me, give me peace but God. I'd tried talking to other people but I didn't find the answers, the solution that I needed but when I turned to God and He spoke to my heart....that was more than I needed. I couldn't wait to get home each day just to be in his presence, just to have him comfort and counsel me. I hope I'm making sense. And, I pray that you find the peace that you seek.
I just went through some crap the other day where I lent a friend (not a SO)my car for a quick run to BJs and he didn't show up til 7 hours later after not answering his cellphone. Initially, I got excited but then (as someone else posted) I just dropped to my knees with a short prayer. I then picked up the Word and started reading. I left it to God. I didn't even care about the car after a while but about the safe return of my friend. When he got back, he didn't even have to explain because I was just so happy to see him safe and sound (I was having worse case scenario thoughts). An hour after I started praying, my car was returned in its original condition and he bought some supplies from BJs for me. The peace I had/have could/can only come from handing it over to God.

The old me? Oh, she would have met him at the pavement.

Whew! Thank you, Father!

This is not an easy thing, but EVERY TIME - not some time - EVERY time I do this, God shows up. Start practicing the "S" word: submit. Acknowledge that He's in control.
Thanks everyone for the advice:) . I started last night by reading Psalms and some other verses. Also, I read some this morning and I asked God to bless my day.
I want to make this a daily ritual and on top of that go to church on a weekly basis.
When you guys feel like this, how do you make yourself focus on God and how did you get through it?
Cry my eyes out and scream my lungs out
Try to force myself to go to sleep

Also, what scripture(s) should I start reading???
Book of Psalms... Psalms 22 is a good one
OOOOOh my, you are next in line for a big blessing!

When that happens to me usually God wants to show me something or reveal something Grand to me that I need to know.

It's Spiritual warfare. you have to go to work. Several things help: Start with worship music on low volume. You can call a prayer line and ask them to pray against the spirit of distraction. Or you can pray for yourself by bind up every spirit of distraction, declare no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper. Ask the Holy spirit to open up your spiritual ears and eyes, to give you a mind to learn the word of God. Infact just ask the HS to activate all of your spiritual senses. Cancel satans plans concerning you and render him mute and silent. Start reading the word outloud.

If you speak in tongues do so for a short while then go ahead and talk to Him and read his word. Even if you are unable to concentrate keep trying daily. One day when you are not evening paying attention the Lord will instructed you. This is what works for me.. Also if you can't get into prayer mode just start with simple thank you. Thank you for this thank you for that and before you know it, you will be all up in HIS presence.

star please give a few examples of power scriptures.
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