How do you seek direction?


New Member
Hi all!

Relatively new here, although I've been lurking LHCF for years I always enjoy the Christian Fellowship threads and I am seeking some advice today. I graduate tomorrow with an AAS in Accounting, but what I'm doing from that point on is in a blur. I know I am continuing for my BS this Fall, but I'm having a hard time finding a job in this area. I am a 25-year-old single mom and really need to have more opportunity--the area I am in now is dead. Yet I don't know if I need to move now or wait. My mind is constantly racing, and I truly need the Lord to give me some direction. But when I pray for it, it just seems that I'm still lost. So what helps you to open your heart to listen for God's Will? Is there something I'm not doing enough of?

i would suggest just continue to pray and use your best judgement in making your decision.. god will direct your path... and just from experience.. sometimes we expect god to just answer right away and he doesnt but long as you pray and let him know u need direction it will come .. .however way he chooses.
Hi all!

Relatively new here, although I've been lurking LHCF for years I always enjoy the Christian Fellowship threads and I am seeking some advice today. I graduate tomorrow with an AAS in Accounting, but what I'm doing from that point on is in a blur. I know I am continuing for my BS this Fall, but I'm having a hard time finding a job in this area. I am a 25-year-old single mom and really need to have more opportunity--the area I am in now is dead. Yet I don't know if I need to move now or wait. My mind is constantly racing, and I truly need the Lord to give me some direction. But when I pray for it, it just seems that I'm still lost. So what helps you to open your heart to listen for God's Will? Is there something I'm not doing enough of?


Welcome, sis and congratulations on your graduation...I think that's awesome!!!

Praying is wonderful, but reading the Word helps to clarify so many things for you, especially the direction where the Lord wants you to go in. Remembering too that as you pray, believe that the Lord will give you the desires of your heart. He loves you and is always looking to pour out His perfect love in your life.

I'm sure its exciting right now for you as you about to venture into a new and dynamic career, but give the Lord time...He will speak, He always does.

What I find that opens my heart to listen is to be still and just listen. God does speak to our spirit. Get a journal and write down what He is saying to you. I do this everyday. I have some of the best healing times with the Lord doing this:yep:

Blessings to you, always!
Great Question. The obvious answer is to pray. But what's not obvious is the followup which is to listen for the Spirit to guide you with answers. That is an extremely hard thing to do if you don't know how to submit yourself to the power of God. I am working on seeking direction now myself, so it will be interesting to follow this thread to see where it leads.
Thank you ladies for your replies. I'm committing myself to READING the WORD more. That is something I have not been doing as I need to. There's so much more that I could give of myself and I haven't been. I love the idea of keeping a journal of what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. Thank you again ladies for responding!