How Do You Repair Damaged Scalp


New Member
Them B's at that salon said my scalp was damaged from the relaxer I was using and want me to come back every two weeks for a month or something like that so they can repair my scalp but I don't need them cause I got LHCF and I can do it myself so how can I tell if it is damaged and how do I fix it and they cut my hair from APL to my collar bone she said the hair she cut off was dead and needed to be cut off sorry I keep going on and on I am just so F ing mad:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: at them at that salon
What do you see when you look at your scalp? Redness, flakiness, scabs, anything swollen, or not healthy looking? Run your fingertips tho\rough your hair and feel your scalp - what do you feel? Part your hair in sections and look - what do you see?

You know your body, your skin (even that under your hair) better than anyone - what do YOU think and why? There are plenty of products available for scalp health, but the question, it seems to me, is do you really need them?
be for I went to that salon my scalp was clear no flakes or scabs it had a little bit of product build up that's all now I have two burns and my scalp is dry and itchy and flakey cause be for that visit I had all my scalp problem under control when I joined LHCF I had got my scalp problems under control
Perhaps you can go back to doing whatever you were doing before, and find a new hair salon?

Phyto has a new shampoo designed especially for scalp care - I haven't tried it - and their Phytoneutre is excellent for the scalp. I'm sure others here have some excellent suggestions for you. Some of the Indian products look especially good. I've not yet received my order from FNWL, but others seem to use these products with great success.

I am so sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience.
Chemetria, girl change salons! The only damage to your scalp are them;) I think it is just a plan for them(your salon) to get all the money they can get from you. My old stylist used to say bogus things just like that and I was wondering why my hair didn't grow...look at your stylist hair. Does it look healthy?Is it their own hair? If the answers to the question are "no" then that should tell you something. My old stylist had bleach blond tapered cut that she slicked down with gel everyday:eek:
Chemetria said:
be for I went to that salon my scalp was clear no flakes or scabs it had a little bit of product build up that's all now I have two burns and my scalp is dry and itchy and flakey cause be for that visit I had all my scalp problem under control when I joined LHCF I had got my scalp problems under control

Those symptoms do sound like you have damage to your scalp (thanks to them :( ). I would proceed with caution. No chemicals until you are sure you have it under control. Often times itchy and flakiness is a precursor to alopecia brought on by chemical damage to the scalp. Also those burns need to be treated. I'd buy an ointment for them. Best of luck!