How do you REALLY know he's the one?!?!


New Member
This may have already been posted, but I' not sure. In any case, for ladies who are engaged and/or married, how did you REALLY know he was the one? How do you know that you two are perfect from each each other and meant to be rather than "Well, we've been together so long,nothing is majorly wrong with the relationship, everyone expects it, and I feel slightly obligated to, so I'll marry him" feeling? Sometimes these thoughts get confused and mistaken for "Yes! He is ABSOLUTLEY the one!." So like I said, how did you REALLY know? If you don't know, it's ok to say so (Just make sure you SO/DH doesn't have your password to this iste, that could cause problems!) Or if you were already in this situation, where you got hitched and you realized that it was because you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place, please share. Thanks!
BUMPin' again! I would really love to have a perspective on this. Coming from someone who is preparing to approach the next step in a relationship, it would be nice to know...
Hi Liz,:grin:

I knew he was the ONE, when I had that "spiritual connection with him. He was everything I had prayed for in a man, including his height :yep:. I felt like I had known him all of my life. When I lost my son, he was right there with me the entire time, he didn't rush me with my grief, he talked with me about it and everything else. The funny thing is when I met him I wasn't physically attracted to him. He wasn't the type I would normally date. After I got to know his heart and what an wonderful and beautiful person he was on the inside, I knew he was "the one". We've been together 11 years and married for 8. The things he did to get me (send flowers, open car doors, walks on the outside on a sidewalk) he still does today. I am blessed!!
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Hi Liz,:grin:

I knew he was the ONE, when I had that "spiritual connection with him. He was everything I had prayed for in a man, including his height :yep:. I felt like I had known him all of my life. When I lost my son, he was right there with me the entire time, he didn't rush me with my grief, he talked with me about it and everything else. The funny thing is when I met him I wasn't physically attracted to him. He wasn't the type I would normally date. After I got to know his heart and what an wonderful and beautiful person he was on the inside, I knew he was "the one". We've been together 11 years and married for 8. The things he did to get me (send flowers, open car doors, walks on the outside on a sidewalk) he still does today. I am blessed!!

Awe...more stories people!
I just knew.

ditto. I guess its hard to describe. I have a feeling for him, that I just didnt have before. A feeling of love, respect, and ... revere. I feel like I cannot tell him a lie, or even keep anything from him. I'd probably hurt myself before hurting him. I would love to see little juniors running around and growing old.

I dont know, you just know.