How do you pray?


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For the past few days, I've been reading a book, Praying with Purpose by EM Bounds. It says that most people just don't know how to pray. Our prayers it says are usually very feeble and listless and such prayer accomplishes very little. It says we are to be importunate and persistent in prayer. It says we are to ask of God always. According to the author we spend a lot more time on other things than we do in prayer. How come most of us don't spend hours and hours in prayer when that is probably the best thing we could ever do? For the next 30 days until it becomes habit, I'm going to pray at least three times a day. I think this will help me immensely in my spiritual walk. What do you think? How do you pray?
Thats a good idea I think I can use some pointers in my praying, I'm going to try this also. I'm also going to purchase this book.