How do you occupy your time while under the dryer?

browse magazines
make to do list
sneak a touch to see if its dry
polish my nails
use my Ipad
clean out my purse.
Distract yourself. I'm usually on my laptop most of the time. I also have the tv going but i can never hear, lol.

this exactly LOL

I rlly dont know why I keep the TV on , sometimes I fool myself by putting on captions :perplexed
I watch TV, since its hard to hear the TV i put on the closed captioning then i dont have to worry about missing anything cause i cant hear it. Time Warner Cable has this feature on the remote.
i don't use a hooded dryer. when i DC, i put plastic caps on my head, and i take a blow dyer and blow heat over it. then i just play around on the computer for about an hour or more. :D
Every single time I get under the dryer, I always head straight to LHCF. It just makes sense to me ... the site goes perfectly with hair doing activities. :lol:

Besides, it usually takes me the entire 30-40 minutes just to catch up on the tomfoolery that goes on around here. :grin:
I am either on my laptop or doing my nails. I try to spend that time on my nails so my hair and nails are done at the same time.
i always sleep under the dryer...something about the warmth of the dryer just puts me too sleep...i usually have a cover or i put my arms inside my shirt...
Read a book or play internet games on my laptop. If Im being really lazy i just game from my phone. I gave up on rollersetting because no matter what dryer Im under it a minimum of 90 minutes so Im only under there for DCing or to half dry my twists (I dont let them completely dry, that takes 90 minutes too) its a max 30 minutes.

The curse of thick water retaining hair {insert angry face}
do my homework/grade papers/ browse LHCF and other hair sites/sometimes (rarely) I watch tv or a movie with closed captioning on. I like to read, but for some reason reading while under the dryer makes me sleepy.