How do you occupy your time while under the dryer?

I pretty much use my cell phone and browse LHCP or Twitter to kill time. That said, I never spend more than 30 minutes under the dryer.
Distract yourself. I'm usually on my laptop most of the time. I also have the tv going but i can never hear, lol.
i wish i had a good answer for you. last time i was under a dryer, it was 20 minutes and i was patting myself on the back for staying that long :lol:

maybe painting your nails?
i know some people read magazines or browse the internet
I have an awesome salon hair dryer from LCLbeauty so I am only under the dryer for 45 minutes at the most. When I am under the dryer I am on my computer and/or doing my nails (lhcf made me a nail fanatic). I don't like reading books under the dryer for some reason.
On my laptop with the tv on. Usually I'm on this site or Fb. I don't have to stay under the dryer for an hour though.
:grin:sudoku...i pick a puzzle that is way too difficult for someone of my limited intelligence and before I know it an hour is up.
I have an awesome salon hair dryer from LCLbeauty so I am only under the dryer for 45 minutes at the most. When I am under the dryer I am on my computer and/or doing my nails (lhcf made me a nail fanatic). I don't like reading books under the dryer for some reason.

I don't like reading while under the dryer either. For some reason I get tired and end up going to sleep. To kill time I go on the internet (either on my phone or laptop), listen to music, or do my nails.
Read or on the internet. I look forward to steaming and drying time. It allows me to catch up on reading or browsing the internet.
sitting under the dryer is unbearable to me. :nono: i have to do it in spurts and during the spurts i get on my computer.
well i just bought Burger World, and i play that. it is soooooooo fun and addicting! i also do my nails. this is a good time to do them cuz it gives me a chance to smooth out my nails to prevent my hair from snagging and pulling later. or i just browse forums. ♥
oh yeah, i also sleep under the dryer. :look: i'm one of those types that has to sleep with the fan on, so that sound of the dryer is really soothing to me. i have bout 30-40 minute window before i stop fighting my sleep. :lol:

i tried to cut my dc'ing down to 30 minutes, but i find once i'm under and i hear the fans, i don't want to get out, just stay til i fall asleep. i've lost hours this way. :look: :rofl: but its my nice pampering relaxing time and i enjoy it now. ♥
Im online surfing LHCF and other gossip sites/blogs, youtube, paying bills, etc...I have my music playing from my laptop as well...if not that, I have my tv on and utilize the caption feature because I cant hear over the dryer..I cannot fall asleep because that hair will only be dry in one

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Surf the web, play a game (right now I'm an Angry Birds addict), or put in my earbuds and watch a streaming movie on Netflix
Other than complain, moan and groan....I surf lhcf mostly. Facebook some. Text a little. Watch yt vids with headphones on. And watch the clock closely to break free from dryer hostage.