How do you measure?


New Member
I think my hair is shoulder length or a little past that. However only the back half of my head is past shoulder length but the front is about up to my lip. Does this still count as SL? How do you measure your hair? Does it all have to be past a certain point or if you have one bunch that's hitting that mark is that enough?
Oh my, I would like to know this as well, my hair reaches a couple inches below my shoulders now (will have my album up and running next week :weird:), but when I look at other pictures of people with SL hair, i'm always like "My hair isn't that long, am I really past SL? Is my neck shorter than every one elses? :nuts:"
I comb all of my hair straight back and then I use a tape measure starting at my hair line. I flip the tape measure behind me and step back to bathroom counter so that the tape measure is pulled taut. Then using a handheld mirror, I check to see where my hair is the fullest and longest at the same time. That is the length of my hair to me.

If I have a section that has taken off on it's own, I see that as the next stage to get all of my hair to. I don't count that as the true length of my hair because if I was going to cut my hair those little off shoots would be the first to go.
I think that some people hair are different lengths compare to the back and front. My hair is shorter in the front and grow slower in the front compare to the back. Some people cuts their hair to have an even length of hair. I prefer not to do that. So if your hair is in the back is past shoulder length claim it and work on growing the front.
I am newbie to all of this hair growth stuff. I use measurement tape and I have 11" in the front and 8" in the back. Front=crown and back=nape/kitchen. So when I want BSL does that mean I want the hair at the nape to grow 5" to reach my brastrap? Then the crown hair will grow too I hope. Could someone point me to a thread that talks about how everyone is measuring their hair and why I don't see number ie...BSL=20" or APL = 16"?? Thanks!
I am newbie to all of this hair growth stuff. I use measurement tape and I have 11" in the front and 8" in the back. Front=crown and back=nape/kitchen. So when I want BSL does that mean I want the hair at the nape to grow 5" to reach my brastrap? Then the crown hair will grow too I hope. Could someone point me to a thread that talks about how everyone is measuring their hair and why I don't see number ie...BSL=20" or APL = 16"?? Thanks!

Nobody uses numbers because the inches are different for each individual. Big heads, short/long necks, short/long torsos [torsoes?], all change the inches involved. That why BSL and APL are used. Your APL is when your hair reaches YOUR armpit, which could be 16" from your hairline but only 14" for me because I'm short.
I do mine based on the majority of hair hitting whatever line. So if most of your hair is SL then you're SL in my book. I don't count all of the layers, in that case it'll truly take you forever to reach BSL...
Oh I see kinda. So my goal is to reach my brastrap which is different for everyone else goal. Just like in weight loss..:ohwell:

Hmmm, I don't know why my brain didn't get that initially. So I don't really need measuring tape just my bra:drunk:

Oh I see kinda. So my goal is to reach my brastrap which is different for everyone else goal. Just like in weight loss..:ohwell:

Hmmm, I don't know why my brain didn't get that initially. So I don't really need measuring tape just my bra:drunk:


Exactly! If we both lose 10 pounds I might reach 140 pounds (I wish!), but you might be 90 pounds :yep:
Now do people use measuring tape, rulers, or they just keep it to the BSL, SL, APL, WSL...Anyone else curious like I am with the actual number of hair in crown middle nape area?

In weight loss comparison I am a numbers person I like to see my lbs and inches in black n white. Not just that I can fit into my clothes. :p:grin:

I do mine based on the majority of hair hitting whatever line. So if most of your hair is SL then you're SL in my book. I don't count all of the layers, in that case it'll truly take you forever to reach BSL...

You ain't lying! At that rate, I'd be hitting BSL in ten years:look:
Now do people use measuring tape, rulers, or they just keep it to the BSL, SL, APL, WSL...Anyone else curious like I am with the actual number of hair in crown middle nape area?

In weight loss comparison I am a numbers person I like to see my lbs and inches in black n white. Not just that I can fit into my clothes. :p:grin:


I do both. I'm calculating and like to know how many inches I need to reach certain lengths. I have a measuring tape.