How do you make your stress spot do right?


carpe diem
Ok here's my dilemma... the right side of my hair does not do right. I mean I can get the rest of my hair to cooperate. It grows at an even pace, curls and styles how it is supposed to, and shines how its supposed to shine.

How do I bring my stress spot under control? What kind of love and attention do I need to give it to make it cooperate? Any and sll suggestions will be appreciated?
Have you tried using a grow aid to get it started? What do you do in your everyday life? Girl stress is serious, especailly when it comes to hair, I don't have a stress spot, but when my hair feels stress or if I feel like I've done to much to my hair.....I just leave it alone, or do a treatment, how long have you had this stress spot?
For me it used to be the left side of my hair close to the nape. Could never get it to catch up with the other side with growth, styling; it did not even straighten with relaxers.
I did not really do anything special to it. I focus the conditioner on it when i DC, also make sure my hair is evenly moisturized. I try not to sleep on that side with little success.

But now my hair is pretty close to even, its finally caught up, and I did not have to cut off the right side to even it up for once
Why does this happen I wonder? For me its my left side. Does not grow as fast, the texture is drastically different too. Daydreem2876 are you relaxed? Do you wrap at night? I have heard that wrapping in the same direction can cause problems. I apply extra conditioner to that side and try to be extra gentle. I have been applying peppermint and tea tree oil to a small bald spot I found near my hairline on that side. So far so good, the growth is catching up.
Have you tried using a grow aid to get it started? What do you do in your everyday life? Girl stress is serious, especailly when it comes to hair, I don't have a stress spot, but when my hair feels stress or if I feel like I've done to much to my hair.....I just leave it alone, or do a treatment, how long have you had this stress spot?

Always, It just seems that the right side (the side I sleep on). Typically, I wash two days a week. On the weekend, I go all out (pre-poo, wash, dc, rollerset, wrap) during the week, I wash, condition, 3min deep condish, and the air dry some how.

Why does this happen I wonder? For me its my left side. Does not grow as fast, the texture is drastically different too. Daydreem2876 are you relaxed? Do you wrap at night? I have heard that wrapping in the same direction can cause problems. I apply extra conditioner to that side and try to be extra gentle. I have been applying peppermint and tea tree oil to a small bald spot I found near my hairline on that side. So far so good, the growth is catching up.

I am relaxed, and most nights i do tie it up in some (either wrap or in a bun). I dont use a growth aid, yet... i am still in the experimentation phase of find a regimen. The peppermint and tea tree oil sounds good though!
Are you left-handed or right-handed?

I think I remember a poster saying once that they were right-handed, and would put the product (moisturizer, conditioner, etc.) on her left hand, and it would never get evenly distributed. IDK, just a thought.
Always, It just seems that the right side (the side I sleep on). Typically, I wash two days a week. On the weekend, I go all out (pre-poo, wash, dc, rollerset, wrap) during the week, I wash, condition, 3min deep condish, and the air dry some how.

1) Make yourself sleep on your other side
2) Leave that part of your hair alone (like when you wear your hair down, pin that part back/let it be the opposite side of where your part is so it's protected)
3) be gentle when you rollerset that section
4) when you wrap your hair try "aunt jemima-ing it" that is, tie the scarf more around your ears and forehead than your edges...

So far this is working for me

p.s. I think some people think you are talking about an actual "I need a stress ball" stress spot...Or I could just be waaaaaaaay off base
Here are a few things that has helped me:

1) RELAX! As difficult - and simple - as this may be, sometimes we are stressed and we don't even know it...

2) Massage your scalp. I have also invested in a massaging brush and try to massage my scalp in the mornings with it. At night, I just use my own hands.

3) Drink water. You'd be surprise how much staying hydrated can help these troubled spots.

Optional (but it helped me): Growth Aid: Some people use them, some people don't. Stress spots move all over my head, so when the entire back-side of my hair was "attacked" and my hair literally fell out, I discovered this site, chopped the last two strands that were left, and started using MN once daily. Within 10 weeks, my scalp responded **see siggy**.


Are you left-handed or right-handed?

I think I remember a poster saying once that they were right-handed, and would put the product (moisturizer, conditioner, etc.) on her left hand, and it would never get evenly distributed. IDK, just a thought.

I am right handed

1) Make yourself sleep on your other side
Things can start out that way but they dont end up the way
2) Leave that part of your hair alone (like when you wear your hair down, pin that part back/let it be the opposite side of where your part is so it's protected)
great idea... I will have to try this
3) be gentle when you rollerset that section
Now that you mention it... this is the side I seem the go at first whatever I am doing my hair, I'll have to keep that in mind
4) when you wrap your hair try "aunt jemima-ing it" that is, tie the scarf more around your ears and forehead than your edges...

So far this is working for me

p.s. I think some people think you are talking about an actual "I need a stress ball" stress spot...Or I could just be waaaaaaaay off base
Right... no not that type of stress spot. The kind where your hair rubs against the pillow case!
LOL about things starting out that way especially when sometimes we sleep like :bounceline: . I've found that the attempt meant that for at least a little while I was on the other side...for a couple of nights I even had to switch sides with my husband so I was mentally training myself to "face the other way." Now I just try to keep a little mental check on not favoring one side over the other when I get in bed. For some reason I'd just REALLY been sleeping on the same side, and just rubbing the mess out of my edges with my scarf :pullhair:and then flat ironing it into pretend submission :nono:

And with changing the way I wrap, and trying to be nice to my edges, even if that means the roller on the top right is a little less extra super salon quality nice I've seen great results.

Smile, it'll do right!!!
LOL about things starting out that way especially when sometimes we sleep like :bounceline: . I've found that the attempt meant that for at least a little while I was on the other side...for a couple of nights I even had to switch sides with my husband so I was mentally training myself to "face the other way." Now I just try to keep a little mental check on not favoring one side over the other when I get in bed. For some reason I'd just REALLY been sleeping on the same side, and just rubbing the mess out of my edges with my scarf :pullhair:and then flat ironing it into pretend submission :nono:

And with changing the way I wrap, and trying to be nice to my edges, even if that means the roller on the top right is a little less extra super salon quality nice I've seen great results.

Smile, it'll do right!!!

i have no husband to switch sides with and I will start out one way but always end up on the same side but I switched sides for the wrap today so at least it appears longer :lachen::lachen: