How do you make your hair managable after braids?


New Member
I'm thinking about getting braids (extensions) and the only thing I'm dreading is when I take them out and trying to deal with my hair. My hair is always thick and bulky looking when I try to put it in a ponytail and I end up cornrowing it until I can get to a stylist to relax my hair. This time is different, I am transitioning so there's no relaxer to look forward to.

Once you take out your braids, what do you do to make your hair manageable?

How long does it take you to get your hair tameable?
ORS replenishing pack helps me.
I am also transitioning and I must admit. this last time when I took out my braids in /Sept, I had to Cornrow it for a week to get it tame.

After that I was OK.
Thanks for the advice. I do DC right after but maybe I nned to do more. Maybe I'll try DC every few days or something.