How do you make natural hair shiny?


Well-Known Member
Hey my hair is 3c/4a mix. Mostly 4a though. My hair in it's natural state usually looks very dull. I was wondering if there were any products that I could use that would make my hair look more shiny?
The two things I use regularly are coconut oil and Aphogee's Gloss Therapy Polisher Spray. The Aphogee one smells really good and makes my hair look bling bling lol.
Thanks Karmin I use Coconut oil but that hasn't seem to have done much for my hair. I will check out the Gloss Spray you suggested.
Thanks Karmin I use Coconut oil but that hasn't seem to have done much for my hair. I will check out the Gloss Spray you suggested.

Make sure you get the spray. They have a serum too that's the same name, which I guess is ok, it's just much thicker and harder to work with. I love that spray though. And it has no alcohol!
You wanna start from within....
Deep Conditioning

These oils leave me with great shine, there are plenty of other oils that do the same...

Coconut Oil
Argan Oil (serums)

Seal those cuticles!!

ACV rinses after every wash (it seal the cuticles, closed cuticles give a better reflection of light)

Ayurvedic treatments

Cassia Obovata treatments- aka the "neutral" henna, help you absorb moisture better, and increases shine dramatically!!
My pic testimonial
I seal with One n' Only Argan oil for regular shine, but if it is for an event and I want glimmering type of shine I spray a glossifier - the one I use is a generic Biolage spray from Sallys. Filled with cones but a brilliant type of shine!
Depending on the natural charecteristics of your hair it might not shine in its natural state but have more of a a search on shine vs sheen. I would post a link but im on my cell.
I agree with Napp. Due to all of the twists and turns of highly textured hair, most of us will never have hair that is shiny. You can have hair that has some sheen though with the use of product....
It depends on the style you're using it for. I can't say that I love this product, but the shine it left on my hair was amazing! Bee Mine Curly Butter. I actually used it in a video and you can see the shine I'm talkin about towards the end. I think this would work great for a twist out or wash n go.
Coconut oil is absorbed by hair, so I don't think it has really helped make my hair shine, at least for long. I suggest using a more "oil-y" oil or serum.

Also, do you use shea butter--it can be slightly dulling to the hair, even though it's a great moisturizer.

Lastly, like some have mentioned, natural hair usually doesn't just "gleam" the way that naturally straight or relaxed hair does. Even when my hair is flat ironed, it still doesn't shine as much as it did when I was relaxed, but I'm okay with it.
It may also just be the natural color of your hair.
Mine is a dusty dull brown, so I dye my hair jet black and use clear rinses, and that really helps out with shine a lot.
You may not necessarily wanna go that far, but I'll say that nothing really made my hair look remotely shiny before I started using dye.
You wanna start from within....
Deep Conditioning

These oils leave me with great shine, there are plenty of other oils that do the same...
Coconut Oil
Argan Oil (serums)

Seal those cuticles!!
ACV rinses after every wash (it seal the cuticles, closed cuticles give a better reflection of light)
^^^ITA with what this poster said. Once I got my DC game on point there was a huge difference in my hair's appearance. My hair went from a mousy brown to very sheeny (is that a word?:lol:). Now even with twist etc there is a nice natural looking shine. It is magnified when I flat iron.
Evoo helps alot with shine too ITA wih what the ladies posted make sure yore DC and infusing moisture and even if you see other 3c4a s with sheen or shine it might be cause their hair shines a bit I've seen 2s 3a 3b wih no sheen or shine or sheen not shine but I've seen 3c or 4a with shine too

Concentrate on health and if you find the right shine serum oil or spray can give your hair some sheen and shine
I know when I want bling hair I use evoo or evco and gel on damp hair and when it dries my natural hair has some sheen to it. For straightened hair for me I just need a decent shine spray and it's blinging.
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I apply castor oil to my hair right after washing. It's very heavy so a little goes a long way.

I also like grapeseed oil and rice bran oil - not as heavy.
I use raw honey in my dc and (I think )it has added shine to my normally dull colored hair. And when styling if my hair is looking dull jojoba oil rarely fails me (come to think of I also add it to my dc). The organic now brand is really good. I say that because I used the non- organic for months then switched and saw a difference (even) in those two immediately.
It isn't going to shine like straight hair. Curls don't reflect light like straight hair does. You can give it some sheen by keeping it moisturized though.