How do you make a puff not too tight?


Well-Known Member
I've been doing puffs and they look great but Im scared of doing them too often coz its tight and when I take it down my head has sore spots. plus, I dont wanna put stress on my hair. So is there a way of making a puff look good but less tight?
Check out ladykaypnyc (something like that). I guess she's still a member but also has YT videos. She, and many others, use a knee hi to make a puff. I tried to do a search for the name or something similar here and couldn't find it and I don't access to YT @ work. I'll try to remember to look again when I get home.
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Thanks Eisani. yh i watch youtube vids all the time and ive seen a lot of vids on doing puffs. They dont really say whether the puff is tight or not though and I do it the exact same way as the vids on youtube.
Thanks Eisani. yh i watch youtube vids all the time and ive seen a lot of vids on doing puffs. They dont really say whether the puff is tight or not though and I do it the exact same way as the vids on youtube.
With a knee hi? I think the perk to using one is you can adjust the tension to your level of comfort in order to make sure that it isn't too tight. How often are you wearing puffs during the week? Could it be your scalp just needs a rest from that particular style?
ive only done it twice in 2 weeks. at first i did it with a headband and it was way too tight so i took it off and did it with the string from my halter neck top which is like a stretchy knee high like material. i adjusted it so it didnt feel tight at all but when i took it off, sore spots. Maybe i should try it with a proper knee high? i dunno.
Sheena, just came from your fotki (beautiful hair btw) and it looks to me that you've got your band too far back. It's a lot of stress and tension.

Try moving your band lower so it's not so high up the crown then you can add a nice scarf on top of that.

Something like this:

or this:

I've been doing puffs and they look great but Im scared of doing them too often coz its tight and when I take it down my head has sore spots. plus, I dont wanna put stress on my hair. So is there a way of making a puff look good but less tight?

I had typed this then changed my mind to not post it then changed my mind again to go ahead and include it. Hopefully it can help.


If your eyes are starting to look "oriental" than your puff is too tight. :grin:

If your getting folds of scalp skin behind your ears or at your nape, your puff is too tight. Bumps and sore spots are definitely trying to tell you that you may be pulling too tightly.

I can only give you advice that I've done for my puffs. Hopefully you'll get an idea from it:

Try not to worry "too much" about rogue hairs, halos or laying down every kink or curl to absolute perfection 24/7. By trying to lay down every hair or stretch out every teeny tiny kink, you may be placing excess stress on your hair, especially the hair around your edges, the hair where the band or scarf sits and especially if you do it every day.

I've also done puffs with soaking wet, freshly detangled hair and a bit of gel, oil or conditioner. If it wet than I use my hands first than a boar's bristle brush to encourage a smoother look and use a scarf or band to make the not too tight puff.

Lots of ladies place another scarf on the pulled back hair for about 15 minutes or so and it should help the hair not in the puff "set" and stay smoother.

Natural hair isn't meant to be 100% perfect 100% of the time, there will be days.......:ohwell: :perplexed and a :wallbash:

Try "setting" your hair with loose "sloppy" twists or flat twists (w/a bit of gel, conditioner or oil) first that way the stray root hairs and edges can be coaxed to stick (and lay down) together better so you won't have to pull as tightly. Do them in the direction you are going to pull your hair in the puff and they don't have to be completely dry.

Undo the twists then smooth hair with your hands first before grabbing your headband or scarf. You can use a tiny bit of whatever you used to "set" your hair with to help smooth but try not to disturb the set roots too much. After you've set your headband, you can spritz with a little moisture on the loose hair to puff it out more.

You should be able to get a smooth look without so much stress.
You're welcome, hopefully you can find a solution that will make you, your scalp and your hair happy.

I forgot to mention that as your hair grows longer, you should be pleasantly surprised that past problems disappear.

Sometimes new ones take their place but they usually work themselves out. :yep:

I had :wallbash: problems with the hair at the crown when I first bc'd. I felt like a surprised cockatoo for a couple months ;) It was the same length as the other hair but because it's the crown, it had a tendency to go up first then flop on top of the other hair while everything else just flopped down. It worked itself out though.

It'll be alright.
My edges are sensitive so I use silk scarves (as opposed to knee his and elastic bands). You can get slick back look without the tightness. HTH!