How do you ladies get such smooth buns?


Well-Known Member
Okay I know it when I airdry my hair it is dry and does not laydown very flat and the bun looks bushy. What are your steps to making a smooth bun? Do some of you rollerset then bun? Are these buns airdryed? Also is a braid out into bun too much manipulation? favorite smoothing gels READ: Absolutely zero flaking...are Fantasia IC and Aloe Vera Gel. I put my hair when my hair is damp (not wet, as to avoid stretching) with my Denman brush. I then wrap a scarf around my head and take it off when it's basically dried. Works very well.
if I don't rollerset (which gives a smooth bun) I use a donut bun from a BSS and I'll spread my hair over it: w/ one of those cheap baby toothbrushes: i'll apply Lacio or NTM Silk L-N on it like toothpaste and smooth out my hair over the bun: so its smooth & shiny: ~HTH~
I always bun before my hair is completely dry, maybe 75% dry or less. I make sure my hair has plenty of oil in it and the ends are saturated before I tuck them in. Then I tie my hair down as tight as comfortably possible and let it finish drying (usually overnight). In the a.m., my hair is neat as a pin, nice and flat. I don't even comb my hair before bunning when doing this. HTH!

ETA: Even if I'm bunning at the last minute, like I sometimes have to do before church, I will oil and tie down well. I leave it like that until I get to church. Tying down the bun really helps smooth the appearance.
Lavendar said:
I always bun before my hair is completely dry, maybe 75% dry or less. I make sure my hair has plenty of oil in it and the ends are saturated before I tuck them in. Then I tie my hair down as tight as comfortably possible and let it finish drying (usually overnight). In the a.m., my hair is neat as a pin, nice and flat. I don't even comb my hair before bunning when doing this. HTH!

ETA: Even if I'm bunning at the last minute, like I sometimes have to do before church, I will oil and tie down well. I leave it like that until I get to church. Tying down the bun really helps smooth the appearance.

This bun is so beautiful!

Thanks for the replies. I want to have a clean smooth look becasue I am still dating and want variety with my buns not just an airdried mess :lol: and I go clubbing alot :D so I want to atleast have a nice bun when I go so any more idea's, or tips/tricks to a smooth bun??