How do you know???


New Member
I hope I don't sound silly, but I hear people say that God told them or God told them that. How do you know when it's God speaking to you? I talk to God a lot and ask him for direction and wisdom and I want to make sure that I'm making the right decisions in life. I have thoughts cross my mind all the time and sometimes I'll go....Oh so that's what I'm suppose to do. Is this God talking to me.
That is not a silly question. In my opinion, Only you will know when God is speaking to you. We all have different relationships with God. God comes to us all in different forms. God may speak to us thru someone else. I think when one releases his/her mind spirtually to the Lord, he/she will know!
Thanks Blu. I know God speaks to me. He has revealed so many things to me as of late, I guess I just wanted to reassurance ya know........I just wanted to make sure it wasn't all in my mind. I guess I just need to trust. Wow it does help when you talk/write things out! Thanks again.
mswinni said:
Thanks Blu. I know God speaks to me. He has revealed so many things to me as of late, I guess I just wanted to reassurance ya know........I just wanted to make sure it wasn't all in my mind. I guess I just need to trust. Wow it does help when you talk/write things out! Thanks again.

You are truly welcome!
mswinni, its not all in you're mind. Let me ask you a question: when you're phone rings, you pick it up and you hear a familiar voice on the other line you immediately know who it is, especially if it is someone you are close to. So it is with God, you know He is speaking to you because you know His voice. His sheep know His voice.
mrselle said:
mswinni, its not all in you're mind. Let me ask you a question: when you're phone rings, you pick it up and you hear a familiar voice on the other line you immediately know who it is, especially if it is someone you are close to. So it is with God, you know He is speaking to you because you know His voice. His sheep know His voice.

This is an excellent analogy.
mrselle said:
mswinni, its not all in you're mind. Let me ask you a question: when you're phone rings, you pick it up and you hear a familiar voice on the other line you immediately know who it is, especially if it is someone you are close to. So it is with God, you know He is speaking to you because you know His voice. His sheep know His voice.

I totally agree. His sheep know His voice, and a strangers they will not follow. :) Also, I want to add that if what a person hears doesn't line up to the Word of God, then it isn't God. For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will not go against His word.
This is so great that we are discussing the things of God...

I know the Devil is a liar and comes through in various ways to mislead us and guide us away from the Truth. God loves us and will never deceive us. He is always faithful and True. If we are continuously repenting of our sinful flesh and praying to God for guidance we will be in line with Him enough to know it is His voice!