How do you know you've forgiven someone?


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to forgive my dad for an incident that occured between us several years ago. I have a polite relationship with him, I can laugh and joke with him but nothing too deep. I think I have moved passed the incident, but I'm not sure I have forgiven him. It's even hard for me to think of him as a good person. I want the Lord to forgive me of my sins, so I want to forgive my dad for wronging me. I have prayed about it, but I'm still having trouble. Have I forgiven him and just don't know it?
BerrySweet said:
When you no longer feel the issue in your heart.
Yes and when you can talk about it without getting angry although you should try to avoid the conversation unless totally necessary to talk about. If you nurse and rehearse it brings up old wounds.
I guess it depends on what YOU mean by forgiveness. Forgiveness means different things for different people. I noticed you said it's hard to think of him as a good person. Do you feel that you have to think of someone as good when you forgive them? You can certainly acknowledge that even the most evil person is still a child of God even if they have thrown God's greatest gifts away. But if they are doing bad, evil things, then they are not good. SO, what does forgiveness mean to you? And if you don't know, then you should realize that and acknowleged it and try to study and meditate to find out. I don't think you should feel obligated to forgive if you are not sure what forgiveness means to you. I think you should give yourself all the time you need to think about these things. Also, keep in mind that God is God and you are you. I personally don't believe I should forgive because God has forgiven. God is the Supreme One. I am just a human trying to do the best I can while loving God and growing as a person. Too many people say I got too forgive because God forgives. It ain't that easy. Forgiveness can be a slow, painful process that sometimes involves making unpleasant/unpopular decisions. Realize that there are choices in forgiveness also. Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean you have to have someone in your life, laughing and being friendly when you don't really feel it. Forgiveness can even mean that you choose to not have a relationship with someone. It's all about being able to live with a heart that has had a heavy burden lifted, this is not to be excused with pretending to trust or like someone. This is a long post because this is complicated, serious issue. Like I said before, mediatate and study on this to find out exactly what you are seeking through forgiveness, then go from there.
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when you hear good things have happened for that person and your happy for them
Read the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, Ph.D.,D.D.

Chapter 17: How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Forgiveness



PS- Forgiving others is the most selfish think you could do, go for it!:up: And remember that his sins are no worst than yours, and that you are no better than he is....
BerrySweet said:
When you no longer feel the issue in your heart.

ITA also when you can talk about the incident without feeling hurt/upset and when you have to try to remember what you were upset for in the first place. :look:
I have learned that forgiveness is not a one time shot BUT a multi-layered continuous process.

When someone hurts us, we may forgive them but then something they or some else says or does will bring those feelings up all over again. At that point, you have to forgive them ALL OVER again. This is especially true for when someone wrongs us that we truly trust and care about like one of our parents...because the pain goes so deep. For example, I had to forgive my father for not being a part of my life from the age of 6-18. Have I forgiven him...undoubtebly...we wouldnt have the relationship we did today if that wasnt the case. Are there times when residuals of that time period come up and I feel hurt/pain again? Yes. Offenses are real and the damage they do is real...we can forgive...but we dont when it comes up again...Forgive again...that process will eventually yield God's complete healing...where its no longer a sensitive spot in your life.

I think that is one of the reasons that God's word tells us to forgive people 70x7. Its not only for the number of offenses but also for the number of times you may have to forgive someone for one offense. Forgiveness is hard work...but its worth it.