How do you know when...


Well-Known Member
your hair HATES something?? I'm transitioning and still experimenting with products. I see threads about "My hair hates glycerin", "My hair hates protein", etc. How can you know that a specific ingredient in a product does not agree with your hair?
I dunno either. Maybe if you try a product - alone, meaning no add-ins or anything else and note how your hair feels instantly, then w/i a few hours, then w/i the next day. Maybe you can tell if you hair likes it, like if its a moisturizer, does your hair feel soft, smooth, healthy or hard and crunchy.
I dunno either. Maybe if you try a product - alone, meaning no add-ins or anything else and note how your hair feels instantly, then w/i a few hours, then w/i the next day. Maybe you can tell if you hair likes it, like if its a moisturizer, does your hair feel soft, smooth, healthy or hard and crunchy.

But what if it's something in that product...then you buy something else and the same thing happens. How do you know not to get something with a certain ingredient?
IMO - if 2 products have the same ingredients or everything different except for one ingredient and it doesn't work, it's the ingredients - like those that can't do anything w/ glycerin or shea butter. What ingredient do you think it could be?
But what if it's something in that product...then you buy something else and the same thing happens. How do you know not to get something with a certain ingredient?

You would have to pay attention to the ingredients in products that your hair doesn't like which means those products that don't do what they are supposed to do or you don't like the way your hair looks or feels after you use it. Check the ingredients and pay special attention to the first 4-5 ingredients listed. You may start to see a pattern.
I only know after I've tried something by how my hair feels and reacts.

My hair does not like henna.

I know this because I tried it twice and each time my hair broke off.

I don't know of anything else my hair doesn't like, thank goodness.
IMO - if 2 products have the same ingredients or everything different except for one ingredient and it doesn't work, it's the ingredients - like those that can't do anything w/ glycerin or shea butter. What ingredient do you think it could be?

I'm about to make it real complicated.
Product #1 Ingredients- glycerine, shea butter, olive oil, jojoba oil
Product # 2 Ingredients- glycerine, shea butter, olive oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil
Product #3 Ingredients- water, glycerine, almond oil, sunflower seed oil, aloe,

If none of these "work" and I want to try something else is the product not working because
a. glycerine is in all 3 products
b. shea butter, olive, olive, jojoba are in 2 of the products
c. grapeseed oil is in one of the products
d. almond oil, sunflower seed oil, or aloe because they're just completly different from the other ingredients even though they don't work either
e. Even though glycerin is in all 3 that may be something that works for you, it's just something in one of the other ingredients that makes it not work
Not complicated. It's just finding the culprit. If your hair is dry, I would suspect glycerin, only because glycerin does not work for some especially in colder climates. It attracts moisture, so if there is no moisture in the air, it pulls moisture out of your hair (this is what I've learned from reading the boards). On the flip side, oils are not moisturizers (debatable, but from what I've read) and are primarily used for sealing in moisture.
i didnt learn what it meant for my hair to hate something until the 1st time my hair LOVED something... once you accidentally come across something that works, you quickly learn how your hair feels and acts when it hates something
My hair reacts differently to products it does not like for example:

The Aphogee two step treatment- made my hair break off(protein overload)
The Hawaiian silky 14n1- made my hair dry
Cantu Shea butter- made my hair break off(protein overload)
Daily cowashing- I had single strand knots everywhere and had to trim my hair

Once you get used to takening care of your hair you will notice the signs when your hair is having problems with products or techniques.
You know your hair hates something when it reacts negatively to a particular product. With me, it's really been about trial and error. Doing this has helped me identify similarities between products that help my hair and the similarities between those that harm it.
My hair will not lay down or cooperate if the product has mineral oil in it, my hair responds as if it's gasping for air, I also find that I suffer a lot of breakage after using a product with mineral oil in it :nono: ....most recently I purchased ORS ock and twist gel, that product leaves my hair flakely with or without leave-in. I wanted to like that product so bad :sad: but apparently there is an ingredient in there that does not agree with my strands....those are examples of how *I* know when my hair hates a product.
i didnt learn what it meant for my hair to hate something until the 1st time my hair LOVED something... once you accidentally come across something that works, you quickly learn how your hair feels and acts when it hates something

See this is kinda wher emy head has been about it because i just assumed my hair is supposed to be this hard or dry or crunchy or dull because it's what my hair does when it's natural, after all I've only been natural for like a year...but when I got ahold to some stuff, not many but maybe 2 or 3 things that work awesome or actually do what they say then I'm like Huh? My hair can actually be better. I always see 4s with nice stale lists and good healthy looking hair but i may try the product and feel like- what did I do wrong cause it don't look remotely like so and so's. It can be tough finding stuff that works and even pointing out those that don't I don't mind trying diff products. I just hate wasting money on stuff my hair don't like.