How do you know when you've had a set back?


Well-Known Member
Right now my hair is really dry and shedding. I haven't got to really do my hair in about 2 weeks and since Thursday I have been bunning and not detangling or protecting my hair at all because I have been so tired from moving. Then to add on to that I had to go to hospital here I found I had a kidney infection and strained muscle. I am shedding more than every, but I'm wondering could this be just the result of not having detangled and the shedded hairs are just being removed or am I having a setback? It's normal to loose up to 100 hairs a day so I could loose 600 hairs and that be normal? I think I've lost about 100, but I'm use to only loosing 15 to 40 a day.
I call anything involving dryness that leads to damage, damage in general, anything leading to hair loss or anything leading to me needing to cut more than what I call
a trim a setback. If it can be easily reversed its not a setback to me.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation are you having stress or hormonal issues?
Ditto Ms. Portugal. Right now, I'm in the midst of a setback and i have no idea why.

But yeah, dry, lacking moisture and breakage (and shedding.)
Ugh.... sorry hun. treat your hair to some nice DCs....?
I'm in the midst of an evil setback myself due to lack of care/time/effort.. :(
We've all been there. Nurse it back to health!