How do you know when your hair has buildup?


Active Member
First of all, i don't really know what build up truly is. What builds up in your hair and how?

My hair is very porous and always dry. i use porosity control to put that in check. I also use a lot of moisturizers and oils to control my extreme dryness but i don't know when i need to clarify. I wash my hair every 2 weeks.

So how do i know when my hair has build-up even though its always dry? Or does build-up happen only to those with oily hair?
From my own personal experience I can tell when I have buildup just by literally feeling it. My strands will have a filmy feeling and when I shampoo with a light shampoo it just doesn't feel "clean". This usually happens if I am using shea butter as it is very thick for my hair.

Others know when they need to clarify when their products no longer work right. Because I constantly wash my hair and clarify at least weekly I dont have to worry about this.

I dont think buildup happens to those solely with oily hair..I think it depends on the products you use (i.e thicker products like butters, oils, creams) and the frequency that you shampoo or clarify

Because you wash every 2 weeks and use a lot of products you would most likely have to clarify every 2 weeks or even change your schedule to once a week...whichever works best

HTH :)
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I know that I have build-up when I see a film on my hair.

I use castor oil to detangle. Castor oil is very thick & it builds up on my hair easily because I have fine strands. When I have film on my strands, I know that it is due to product build-up.
I know that I have build-up when I see a film on my hair.

I use castor oil to detangle. Castor oil is very thick & it builds up on my hair easily because I have fine strands. When I have film on my strands, I know that it is due to product build-up.

So how do you see this film? How does it look like?
I should've taken pics of my hair this morning. I had MAJOR buildup caused by a new product I used. It looked like a white film on my hair. My hair looked gray.
Hair with build-up can also be dry. Left-over product coats the hair and can prevent moisture from penetrating the shaft.

Like Mane Attraxion said, if you have a build-up problem, your moisturizers might not be able to work to their full potential.
ITA w/ the filmy, coated feeling when wet and extreme, insatiable dryness when dry... when my hair doesn't behave and I'm doing everything I normally do, 9 times out of 10 I need to clarify.
I know I have product buildup when my hair feels really dry no matter how much I moisturize it. It'll also look dull and it'll start being stiff from all the buildup.
I know when my hair has build up if I scratch my scalp or comb my hair and there is gunk underneigh my fingernails or on the comb or brush. I've been washing my hair every day for the past week with a moisturizing shampoo. But I use a tablespoon of shampoo and dilute it with water, and use a dye applicator bottle to squirt it on my scalp. I work it in and let the shampoo run down the shafts of my hair. Then I condition. But my hair is in french twists all of the time because I'm wearing wigs. I also sleep with a shower cap on at night. (my hair isn't wet at night but I may sprits a pump or two of water on my scalp to create a more moist enviornment for my hair) its like an over night steam treatment th at really helps keep the mositure in.