How do you know when you need more moisture or more protein?


Natural Again
I know this has been discussed before but I tried to search and it gave me no results :confused:

How do you know when your hair needs more moisture or more protein? I think I remember something like longer strands with white bulbs coming out when combing (shedding) was protein need and shorter strands (breakage) was mositure need?

Help a sista out please :lol:
I don't know any standards, but I can speak for myself.

When I have lots of new growth I get lots of shedding and breakage. I have tried Protein and moisture - nothing helped but a touch up or blow out.

When my hair is too dry, I get breakage, as well.

Also, I have done Protein treatments that caused dryness + breakage which means it is time for a deep moisturizing conditoner.
this was a question i had and could never understand. fortunately Sistaslick answered my question very thoroughly and now i understand. the best way to tell is when the hair has been freshly washed with no products. if your hair feels soft, and mushy and stretches before it breaks then you need protein. if the hair is hard and brittle and just breaks from very little to no manipulation then you need moisture. also when the hair is dried and it feels hard, dry, and brittle you need moisture. HTH!:)
when I have a lot a breakage but my hair feels moisturized and the roots are resonably straight, I need protein. When my hair is dry feeling has static, I need moisture.

But when I do protein, I do moisture. I try to keep it balanced. Like today I did an aphogee treatment and followed it with Elasta QP Deep penetrating remoisturizer conditioner.

Just remember that too much protein equals breakage. I think that regular schedule for proteins. Like a mild protein treatment every 3 weeks and a strong one every 6. And a deep moisturizing conditioner every week. But mix in a weak protein with it if your hair loves protein like mine does.
After using a good moisturizing conditioner and after your hair dries, notice how your hair feels to the touch, how smooth and soft it is. See how it moves, take time to really get to know your hair while you know for sure it is moisturized. That's how it should always feel.

I had to learn this too and now I can feel and see how dry my hair is and how it's behaving differently (stiff, not holding a curl, etc.). Since I wash and deep condition twice each week, my hair pretty much stays moisturized. I now use a good daily moisturizer which really adds to it.
when my hair feels coated,

when it looks dry,

and when it snaps b4 it stretches

- then i need moisture

when its too too soft,


and when the moisture just seems to sit ontop of my hair

- then i need protein