How do you know its time to end a stretch?


New Member
I figured that I would wait until my ng was too much to handle but I'm 18 weeks post and am not really having a problem.

How will I know when enough is enough? At what point does my stretch become a transition?
You should end your stretch when you start to experience too much breakage at the line of demarcation. If you aren't having any problems, I say keep going ;)
Yeah keep going until you feel you can't deal with the two textures anymore and if you have a lot of breakage or problems.
I'm having a little bit of breakage but its towards my ends rather than the line of demarcation.
I FINALLY got a pack of Aphogee 2 minute protein which I plan on doing in the next 24 hours so I hope it will stop the breakage. This will be my FIRST protein treatment.
I'm entering my 13th week Post. Now I have incorporated Weekly Co-Washing with a Protein Conditioner, and using a Weekly Reconstructor. I then use a Moisturizing DC Treatment with Heat. And Finish up with a Moisturizing Leave-In.

I plan to relax in about 3 more weeks. I started using more protein to keep the NG Strong about week 10-11. So far, so good with the Stretch.:yep:

But I know I will end my stretch at about 16 weeks.:ohwell:
I have to manage my line of demarcation by applying protein, so I can stretch ten weeks, but then my coils become SOOOO tangled with the texlaxed part that it becomes a situation that I cannot handle!

But it depends on your texture. If you don't have tiny penspring coils, you can probably go longer than I can.
The other ladies pretty much sumed it up...whenever you feel it is too difficult to manage then get a relaxer. I just finished a 21 week stretch on July 21st. There was a little bit of shedding but the new growth out weighed the hair I lost.

I would do it again going for 24 weeks this time.
I just finished a 16 week stretch and i was fine up until the 12th week-when my new growth became too much to handle without breaking, i relaxed. You can start a transition at any time, not at a particular week post - it's just a decision.
...When there is no way I can get a comb thru my wet hair regardless of my moisturizing, protein and deep conditioning regimen. :blush:
18 weeks with no breakage is great.

My hair becomes a tangled mess and I start having breakage. I would love to stretch that long...
I'm entering my 13th week Post. Now I have incorporated Weekly Co-Washing with a Protein Conditioner, and using a Weekly Reconstructor. I then use a Moisturizing DC Treatment with Heat. And Finish up with a Moisturizing Leave-In.

I plan to relax in about 3 more weeks. I started using more protein to keep the NG Strong about week 10-11. So far, so good with the Stretch.:yep:

But I know I will end my stretch at about 16 weeks.:ohwell:

Alright T, how are you doing it? What products are you using? How are you styling your hair??

I am only 4 weeks post and my hair looks like a HAAAAAMMMMM!
Thank you for starting this post!! I was curious. I want to stretch for 20+ weeks, but I don' know how that is going to go :ohwell:
I Ramp up the Protein on Week 10-11.

I usually start Co-Washing with a Protein Conditioner either Millcreek Keratin or whatever I have on hand. i.e. Mane N' Tail, Jason Biotin.

Then I will apply a Reconstructor; Giovanni Nutra-Fix, K-Pak, Millennia Mud etc...Steam with Something Moisturizing, Apply Leave-In, Fermodyl, Gel etc....

I've been Phony-Bunning. Wash N Go's etc....Now Girl, I didn't say it looked "cute":lachen: :look:

But it is what it is to get me where I need to go. I use to be the same way around week 4-5, but it ended up costing me.

So, I've learned to exercise "patience" and not Think "Relaxer" as the Only Option to dealing with NG.

I had to change my Mind-Set. Because at the first sign of NG, I was ready to relax.
I know to end a stretch when I just get tired of dealing with my NG/it takes more than 20 mins to detangle while wet. I have gotten used to going 6 mos with no problems, but want to try 9 mos to see where that takes me. Eventually I want to only texlax once a year.
I guess I relax once I see i'm getting too much shedding or when i'm just straight tired of dealing with new growth, but I try to stretch in the fall - til spring, my hair needs to be straight in the summer months lol!
I relax usually every 16 wks.
But I know its time for me to relax when my hair start breaking at the demarcation line. I am aiming for a 24 wks, wondering if I can make it.
For me (I'm transitioning now to natural again), I would relax when I got to the point I couldn't see how much growth I was retaining. That was usually about 4-5 inches of growth which is about 7-10 months for me. I am blessed that my new growth and relaxed hair doesn't pose a problem for me.

Like I said when I know I have at least 3 inches of new growth and when I flatiron I can't see length I would get frustrated and relax so the new growth can be flatironed straight.
I just ended a 33 week stretch. I agree with what everyone says about breakage and the inability to manage both textures.
when i start shedding too much.
when i see more breakage than usual.
when i wash and i start to see more hair than usual in the tub or sink.