How do you know if you're using too much product on your hair?


New Member
I wash or CoWash...

After that I put in Leave In (Motions Nourish)

Then I moisturize with a dime amount of Cantu or ORS in the jar and seal with EVOO,

I have thin 4a/b I putting too much in my hair? Is that why my hair seems to get limp ? How do you know if you are using too mnay products or too much of it?
If your hair's limp, I'd say you're using a tad much. If you use a leave in don't use a moisturizer too, that's kind of overkill. Just put on the leave in and seal, or just put on some moisturizer and seal :yep
If your hair's limp, I'd say you're using a tad much. If you use a leave in don't use a moisturizer too, that's kind of overkill. Just put on the leave in and seal, or just put on some moisturizer and seal :yep

It's funny you posted this b/c I've been having the same problem. Lately after rollersetting my hair seems to have a waxy film, or coated, stiff feeling. That's how I can usually tell I'm using too much product. I just clarify on my next wash and use less stuff and it's fine. :yep:
I would try mixing your leave in with your moisturizer (in your hands) to balance it out and apply sparingly. I have found that putting some products into my hair seperately usually adds weight.
I would try mixing your leave in with your moisturizer (in your hands) to balance it out and apply sparingly. I have found that putting some products into my hair seperately usually adds weight.

Oooh, good idea Energist!
When my hair no longer has that "swang". It's too much product. ALL my girlfriends with waist length hair don't use hardly any product. Theres definately a correlation between long hair and using very little product.
This dime amount of product baffles me ... I don't understand it and how it can be effective. When I use a "dime" amount I'm not getting my whole head it seems like - like the middle where it gets very dry and brittle ... any suggestion. I too am trying Macherie's method - but I'm using a dime size in sections.
I know I've used too much product when my hair is limp or when I touch it, there is oil comes off on my hands. That's when I know I've used too much. I just noticed that the other day b/c I had started using the shikakai shampoo bar for the past few weeks and it was creating build up in my hair so I used a regular shampoo (or you can use a clarifying shampoo) to removed the stubborn oils and I'm good to go again!
After I watched this MarCheireamour Youtube Video I cut back on my leave in application. I can't believe how little she uses for all that hair on her head.

LOL Are you serious.... Well I use wayyyy more than that hehe :drunk: Hmm maybe next wash I'll clarify and try using just a little bit of leave in mixed with a dime amoutn of ORS Oliv Oil sealed with EVOO... are you ladies using a creamy leave in or a liquid leave in....I think it's easy to go overkill on the leave in when it's wet. Since your hair is already wet...I always think I'm not using enough!! ...Then I couldn't hurt to add just a little more lol :wallbash: