How do you know if your church is for you?


New Member
When I first became a Christian, I was blessed to be in a very good church with lots of ministries, conferences, bible studies, and very solid bible-based preaching. Meaning, the pastor used his bible in every service. Not just grabbing a verse here and there but literally going verse by verse. I really enjoyed this method of teaching.

Unfortunately, after 3 years there I had to move and have struggled to find anything similar since. I am now at a church that is pretty large church yet they have no bible studies and very limited ministries. The worship is very good as it was at my old church but sometimes I think I only go because I enjoy the worship. The teaching is just ok - the pastor has never even brought a bible on stage. He uses paper notes and I guess his scriptures are on there - but they are just verses here or there. The teaching is very topical.

One thing I've neglected to do is to serve. And I think what's holding me back is that I am not sure if this is the church for me. I have been attending for just over a year - but it's for lack of other choices.

I know this is a seeker-friendly church and since I'm no longer a seeker - I know that I need so much more. I also wonder if other people at the church think the same thing? If they came to Christ by attending this seeker-friendly church, how will they grow stronger in their faith if the teaching is lacking? I probably shouldn't be concerned with them but I am...

I just don't know what to do.

I am going to be starting a community bible study in January that meets every monday night. I am really looking forward to it. I just wish I could fellowship with people from a church I attend.

Just looking for thoughts and opinions.
I don't see how you can say you have worship services without Scripture as the basis and focal point of your message. If you're having a fellowship time or family meeting, I can see that. But worship?

If you're pricked in your spirit, then you need to listen to that and look for another church.

I simply don't see how you can share your faith about Christ without the Scriptures. Yes, you can live your life as a disciple and non-Christians can see your example but actually sharing - it can't be done without the Scriptures. With that said, I had to google "seeker friendly church" as I've not heard of that. I don't do much reading of other people's extrapolation of the Scriptures.
The Lord will let you know where you should be. You may need to fast and pray for clarity. Are you married? Where are you located? Maybe someone here goes to a good church in your area.
It's funny you ask this: we are now about to be in the same position.

I think our main issue is that WE have grown as Christians but we are still kind of looking for the old stuff we used to GET from our previous church.

Just last week, we (DH and I) realized that maybe we should be looking for a place that has a need that we can actually fulfill. We know what we are gifted to do in the Body of Christ, and if we feel that we can trust a pastor and gel with the members, we will choose to bring our gifts to the table and find out if there is a real need there and we "fit."

For the first time in our lives, we are service-oriented and not receiving-oriented. My hubby is a maybe we might attend somewhere where the teaching is not all that we would like it to be and do Sunday school with the children or adult bible study or some other volunteering where people usually don't want to go. I love cooking, hospitality and encouraging (through song and writing) we will see what the Lord does. We may very well find that we only use our gifts at home...

...but it is so interesting that you mentioned serving. That got me excited.

It would be nice to see where our journeys in the Lord take us both!!! I know the Lord will lead you. Don't worry. You'll probably look around in 8 months and realize you have been "there" for some time.... lol

Bless you in Christ forever!
Christi J.
(5 months until we are home in the US again!!!)
It's funny you ask this: we are now about to be in the same position.

I think our main issue is that WE have grown as Christians but we are still kind of looking for the old stuff we used to GET from our previous church.

Just last week, we (DH and I) realized that maybe we should be looking for a place that has a need that we can actually fulfill. We know what we are gifted to do in the Body of Christ, and if we feel that we can trust a pastor and gel with the members, we will choose to bring our gifts to the table and find out if there is a real need there and we "fit."

For the first time in our lives, we are service-oriented and not receiving-oriented. My hubby is a maybe we might attend somewhere where the teaching is not all that we would like it to be and do Sunday school with the children or adult bible study or some other volunteering where people usually don't want to go. I love cooking, hospitality and encouraging (through song and writing) we will see what the Lord does. We may very well find that we only use our gifts at home...

...but it is so interesting that you mentioned serving. That got me excited.

It would be nice to see where our journeys in the Lord take us both!!! I know the Lord will lead you. Don't worry. You'll probably look around in 8 months and realize you have been "there" for some time.... lol

Bless you in Christ forever!
Christi J.
(5 months until we are home in the US again!!!)

Amen. This sounds like true servanthood. Instead of looking for your needs to be met, you are looking to meet a need.

Praise God!
When I first became a Christian, I was blessed to be in a very good church with lots of ministries, conferences, bible studies, and very solid bible-based preaching. Meaning, the pastor used his bible in every service. Not just grabbing a verse here and there but literally going verse by verse. I really enjoyed this method of teaching.

Unfortunately, after 3 years there I had to move and have struggled to find anything similar since. I am now at a church that is pretty large church yet they have no bible studies and very limited ministries. The worship is very good as it was at my old church but sometimes I think I only go because I enjoy the worship. The teaching is just ok - the pastor has never even brought a bible on stage. He uses paper notes and I guess his scriptures are on there - but they are just verses here or there. The teaching is very topical.

One thing I've neglected to do is to serve. And I think what's holding me back is that I am not sure if this is the church for me. I have been attending for just over a year - but it's for lack of other choices.

I know this is a seeker-friendly church and since I'm no longer a seeker - I know that I need so much more. I also wonder if other people at the church think the same thing? If they came to Christ by attending this seeker-friendly church, how will they grow stronger in their faith if the teaching is lacking? I probably shouldn't be concerned with them but I am...

I just don't know what to do.

I am going to be starting a community bible study in January that meets every monday night. I am really looking forward to it. I just wish I could fellowship with people from a church I attend.

Just looking for thoughts and opinions.

Seems that you've answered your own question, but I would say to pray on it and ask God to direct you if you are unsure and that is very compassionate to be concerned about the other members who may not be being spiritually fed. Pray for them too. Pray for the pastor that he falls under the submission of God and allow God to speak through him. No matter what the delivery of the message, God's word will always prevail when it is spoken for God's will and not for personal gain or for entertainment purposes.
First, I just wanted to say that Hairlove, I am loving your threads! The church I attend is the same church I've been to all of my life, and I attended because my mother goes there, but I feel like I've grown out of it and want to start somewhere fresh. I've been to two other churches already, but they didn't seem the right fit for me. I will keep this thread and the responses thus far in mind in my 'travels'.