How do you know if you have a hair fungus??

aaaaw man

I dont know anything about scalp fungus

But it just sounds like its really dry and you've been scratching it too much.

Maybe you should take an oil internally, or (or maybe and) oil your scalp from time to time ( or maybe oil rinses), and drink more water
Oh, has this ever happened before?

I know two relatives that all of a sudden get reactions like that after relaxers/chemicals

Have you tried anything new--maybe your alergic to something

I hope it gets better, maybe you should see a docter if its really agrivating and something you never experienced before hair is always itchy but not like this. Maybe it's because I've been stretching out my wash days...I also see flakes.
No I haven't tried anything new.
Same thing happened to me last week (it was really hot and I didn't have time for my mid-week wash :ohwell:). I used some tea tree oil, but that didn't help this time.

But once I washed it with clarifying shampoo, I followed up with Sulfur 8 Light and my scalp's been fine since. So, like mine, your scalp probably just needed a little TLC. :)