How do you know how many times to wash per week?


New Member
The myth in my family was to wash once every two weeks, later in life I went to the hairdresser everyweek to get it washed. Now, I am seeing people that wash 2 times a week or some that CO wash daily. So, if you have a certain washing routine, why did you pick the time frame that you did? Also, does it have something to do with the fact that you are natural or relaxed?
if I am wearing my hair out I can't go more than two days without co washing my hair if I am doing weaves or braids I wash once a week.
LilChocolateMa said:
So, if you have a certain washing routine, why did you pick the time frame that you did? Also, does it have something to do with the fact that you are natural or relaxed?

I forgot to respond to this rest

My hair just loves co washes more than twice a week and it feels so good

I have relaxed that isnt bone straight so it is easy work with after washing. It air dries faster.
LilChocolateMa said:
The myth in my family was to wash once every two weeks, later in life I went to the hairdresser everyweek to get it washed. Now, I am seeing people that wash 2 times a week or some that CO wash daily. So, if you have a certain washing routine, why did you pick the time frame that you did? Also, does it have something to do with the fact that you are natural or relaxed?
I'm not sure i understand your question about the time frame? But, I choose to wash late evening/night in the winter so my hair will be almost dry before bed. My pores open when i'm wet & i catch cold easily in the winter. In the summer my immune system is higher due to eating fresh fruit & veggies. Even though i co, i still poo once a week. You have to see how your hair likes water some ppl's hair thrive with little to no water. And that's all good you have to find your niche.
If I'm doing wash and go's I wet my hair daily. Some times I shampoo and condition, sometimes I just use conditioner, sometimes I just wash, it depends on how my hair feels. If I am doing two strand twists I normally was every 2-3 days, I cant get them to last longer than that. When I was relaxed and wearing it straight or styled I washed every 3-4 days or so, everyday if I was just pulling my hair back into a pony tail.
I wash several times a week, when I feel as though I need a wash.

My brother's wife washes every other week and he complain about the ordor of her wash.

Some people can get away with washing every other day, once a week or once every two weeks, it just depends on the person.
I wash my hair 2 times a week. I am going to upgrade to washing 3 times a week. I wash, deep condition with heat and rollerset--yes I am up very late at night---but it is worth it ! In high school I washed my hair once a week and in college that is when it went to almost every other day. Once I got in the real world I went to the hairdresser once a week----never again---I only see the stylist once or twice a year---for trims / maybe a relaxer & blow out. Thanks LHCF !
well since I'm swimming now, 2x per week. I'm also starting to work out so that may change to 3-4x per week. I'm beginning to hace a hair washing addiction, I love doing
I believe that I owe all my growth success to frequent CW (2-3 times a week), shampoo/deep condition once a week and stretching. Before I use to just wash my hair maybe, once a week. I only wash once a week if I have in braids or weave.
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I need to detangle every day and I only like to detangle with wet hair, saturated with conditioner. So, I cowash daily. I can stretch it for a day or two longer, but I'm usually sorry. I can't stand combing out my hair with days worth of knots.
I CO wash twice a week, usually on Wednesday and Sunday. I also spray my hair with a conditioner/water mixture every night. My almost natural hair LOVES water.
Before LHCF I would poo and DC once a week, and every 2 weeks in the colder months only because I'm a little bit lazier in the winter, LOL, but since LHCF I've switched my routine to every 3 days and CW once a week, I believe the cleaner the scalp the more growth can be achieved, IMO, :D .
LilChocolateMa said:
The myth in my family was to wash once every two weeks, later in life I went to the hairdresser everyweek to get it washed. Now, I am seeing people that wash 2 times a week or some that CO wash daily. So, if you have a certain washing routine, why did you pick the time frame that you did? Also, does it have something to do with the fact that you are natural or relaxed?

When my hair is out, I wash it daily. When I sport two strand twists, I wash it weekly. My hair usually lets me know when it is time for a wash. It usually itches and feels dry.
taraglam2 said:
I wash my hair 2 times a week. I am going to upgrade to washing 3 times a week. I wash, deep condition with heat and rollerset--yes I am up very late at night---but it is worth it ! In high school I washed my hair once a week and in college that is when it went to almost every other day. Once I got in the real world I went to the hairdresser once a week----never again---I only see the stylist once or twice a year---for trims / maybe a relaxer & blow out. Thanks LHCF !

Hey Taraglam, do you air dry your sets or use a hood dryer. If you use a hood dryer, how long does it take to dry, and have you noticed any damage from using the hood dryer so much?
I wash my hair at least once a week. Up til about a week ago I was texturized so I CO wash daily but I 'm fully relaxed now so I wash w/ shampoo at least once a week.
I conditioner wash about 2x a week.
I shampoo about once per month.
ETA: If my hair smells weird or is sweaty I wash it. If my scalp is itchy or flaky I wash it. I will wash it in addition to my normal 2x week.
The shampooing happens only when my hair won't react correctly to my normal products & techniques.
I needed to wash my hair with this same frequency when I was relaxed. I just didn't know about proper care then.
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I think it's very simple to know when to wash your hair. If your scalp or hair is dirty or your hair STINKS...wash it!

ETA: Basically, do it on an 'as needed' basis. I may wash once a week or twice a week, depending on several different factors. You may not need to wash for two weeks. My hair usually TELLS me when it needs to be cleaned. But I believe a clean scalp is a healthy scalp. A healthy scalp grows hair.
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I shampoo and deep condition under the dryer once a week and CO wash daily. I have had great results with my hair since increasing the frequency of washes.
Base is at least once a week. But it can vary b/c of products, weather conditions, heat usage, and sweat.
co-signing!! There is no rule, i think you need to do what feels best for your hair

Cincysweetie said:
I think it's very simple to know when to wash your hair. If your scalp or hair is dirty or your hair STINKS...wash it!

ETA: Basically, do it on an 'as needed' basis. I may wash once a week or twice a week, depending on several different factors. You may not need to wash for two weeks. My hair usually TELLS me when it needs to be cleaned. But I believe a clean scalp is a healthy scalp. A healthy scalp grows hair.
I wash, deep condition and braid my hair once a week because that is what my schedule allows. My scalp could probably go longer, but my hair gets SO dry after a few days. Plus, I like have fresh-smelling hair.