
Well-Known Member
Someone once said, "You cant make your decision on how enthused they are for you." So how have you come to that conclusion?
Or do you just get swept away in all the attention and wake up one day and wonder how did I get into this?? What was I thinking?
IN other words How did you know he was "THE ONE!!":grin:
I dont know how to tell you if your guy will be the one but I can tell you how I knew.

I decided that he was someone I could trust and be vulnerable with. He is an attractive godly man, that is selfless, giving, patient, and gentle with me. He adores me and would do anything for me.

I feel like this is finally right but ultimately I made a decision to stop looking and embrace what have now. A good man that plans to marry me and be loyal to me the rest of our days.

So I guess you know when you make a decision to be satisfied with who you have (whatever level of satisfaction at may be).
Well, I was smitten. He was what I wanted in just about every way: attractive, masculine, strong, ambitious, intelligent, and a gentleman. I have never wanted to be with anyone else, nor envied anyone else's relationship. That does not mean everything has always been perfect either. Maybe it's corny, but like Luther sang, I'd rather have bad times with him than good times with someone else.
THanks for your insight, a lot to think about.

I forgot one important part.

I decided that I was the one for him. I would be willing to be trusting, loyal, loving and vulnerable. I would make sure I always had his best interest in mind. I would be willing to compromise for the health and longevity of the relationship. I love him and would do anything for him (legal anyway).

So there's two parts to that question. We are the one for each other!

Good luck on whatever decision you are making.
I decided that he was someone I could trust and be vulnerable with.

This is really and truly one of the key points, I believe. It's something that was really missing from my last relationship.

If you're with a guy and feel like you can't trust him or really be genuine with him, sure, it could be that you have "trust issues." But you also need to stop and think if there's something about him that makes you feel that way. Because if there is, he's not the guy for you.
It is truly hard to describe the feeling that occurs when you've found the one. It extends beyond simple infactuation, it extends beyond just know.

One of the reasons I knew my SO was the one for me when I found myself able to tell him anything and not sense one ounce of judgement from him. It's like he accepted me for me from the very beginning.

I could give many more reasons but that is one of the things that really stood out for me.
When his words and actions match. When I am not afraid to tell him anything and know that he will not use it against me.
Thanks ladies, so far so good,
1. Full personal acceptance
2.No betrayals
3.Can talk about anything without judgement
4.Can't imagine life without him
5. complete trust
6. Has your best interest in mind, unselfish
7. attractive
8. motivated
I have a list of what I want/nmeed from a guy (this list isn't all inclusive). But I go down down my list and see if he meet the most important qualifications.