How Do YOU Keep Faith in Adversity?


Well-Known Member
Having superficial faith is easy. But what about those moments of intense adversity. And I mean excruciatingly intense adversity.

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Same as Alicialynn86 really. I refresh myself with the Word of God and His promises, pray and ask for strength, worship, and remind myself of what God has done for me in the past and how He has come through for me on many occassions - affirming my faith and helping me stay strong and at peace.
What works for me is to remind the devil of who I am in Christ and remind myself as well. Literally speak the words into the atmosphere.
Trusting God is impossible without belief. I just believed (spirit) that He is in control, even when I felt (flesh) like I was not... it's never what it looks like; only God the Father knows what it really why not trust Him? I believe that no weapon formed against a Child of God will prosper. None. Like Alicialynn.. I'm remembering my many testimonies, as well.