How Do You Improvise When...


New Member
you can't find, don't have or can't afford a hair product or accessory.

This is one example of how I recently improvised. Some of you may have already done this before (I had forgotten) since childhood. I haven't been able to find a skull cap at a BSS (not even at Sally's around me) to wear over my head after I braid it up at night (for a braid out). Dutchess uses one for her beautiful braidouts. It's supposed to keep the braids closer to the head and keep the ends curled. So I made me one from a nylon knee-hi stocking and tied the end up in a knot. I hope this is safe to wear on my head. It seems like the skull caps are made of nylon anyway. My grandmother used to wear stocking caps on her head.

How have you ladies improvised? I'll bet some of you are really good at this!
For deep conditioning, I don't buy shower caps, I just tie a plastic bag over my head and use my blowdryer.
I also make headbands out of nylon stockings.
I don't buy leave in conditioners anymore I just mix a regular conditioner with distilled water, aloe vera gel, and glycerin in a spray bottle.
Well, once I went to visit family and forgot my ends papers so I just used kleenex instead. Works like a charm...but not like end papers are so expensive.
Great improvising tips!

I just revised my stocking cap method to placing it over my satin sleep cap on my head. So it's nice and tight and the satin keeps my hair more smooth. I also am not tying satin scarf tight in the back like I used to, causing breakge at my nape.
This reminded me of something my mother did for me many years ago. Must have been Easter time 'cause I had gotten my done Shirley Temple curls. I was spending the night at my Granny's but didn't have any rollers for my hair.
My mother took a paper bag and turned it into strips. She wrapped my hair around the strips and tied them into knots. Woke up the next morning, took our the paper bag strips and my hair was still curly!
That's a great tip ChocoKitty. My grandmother used to cut strips of cloth to wrap up hair with, then tie into knots. Paper bags may even be handier, something we could all do if we are ever in such a siuation.