How do you handle that friend..

where it's all about her?

She only calls when her and her hubby are having problems, and since you are so counselor-like, you are always there to listen and such.
You even give her financial advice, book rec's etc, go above and beyond what you can do (like writing resumes for her, applying for jobs, etc)
Then, when things are cool, she doesn't call or text, etc?
I have a friend like this (long distance friendship) and I am pretty much over her.
I pretty much just stopped talking to my friend that was super negative about EVERYTHING. We lived 7 hours apart, and this was before email became so popular, so it was pretty easy.
I used to consider her a friend for various reasons.

But, I can't deal with their marriage and the things she puts ME through.
He acts a fool (more so than normal) and she is calling me, texting me blowing me up like my fam doesn't need me.
Then, when things are good, I dont hear from her.
This last time, I called her three times and texted her twice and she never returned my call.
She finally texts me like "oh we talked and we good", but it's like she does NOT take any of teh advice I give her.
I'm not telling her to leave him, I am giving her coping skills, and good advice on self sufficiency.
She just never minds that and goes about her business only to keep getting stomped on.
I would tell her about herself and be done with the situation (friendship). Next time she calls/texts about her problems, I would totally ignore her.
I used to consider her a friend for various reasons.

But, I can't deal with their marriage and the things she puts ME through.
He acts a fool (more so than normal) and she is calling me, texting me blowing me up like my fam doesn't need me.
Then, when things are good, I dont hear from her.
This last time, I called her three times and texted her twice and she never returned my call.
She finally texts me like "oh we talked and we good", but it's like she does NOT take any of teh advice I give her.
I'm not telling her to leave him, I am giving her coping skills, and good advice on self sufficiency.
She just never minds that and goes about her business only to keep getting stomped on.

Get out of my head, I am with you point for point. My life is less stressful when I don't talk to her. I love her like a sister, but I can't take her BS with her loser husband. When he behaves and keeps it in his pants she gushes about him being the greatest husband and God gave him to her. When he is doing his cheating crap, he is a dirty dyck dog.
I have a friend that's similiar (not as bad as yours OPster) but its all about her. Seriously, the girl can talk about herself for HOURS.

I only talk to her on my lunch (one hour) about once a week. But every few months; I will go weeks without speaking to her; because I need some SPACE!
where it's all about her?

She only calls when her and her hubby are having problems, and since you are so counselor-like, you are always there to listen and such.
You even give her financial advice, book rec's etc, go above and beyond what you can do (like writing resumes for her, applying for jobs, etc)
Then, when things are cool, she doesn't call or text, etc?
I have a friend like this (long distance friendship) and I am pretty much over her.

I used to consider her a friend for various reasons.

But, I can't deal with their marriage and the things she puts ME through.
He acts a fool (more so than normal) and she is calling me, texting me blowing me up like my fam doesn't need me.
Then, when things are good, I dont hear from her.
This last time, I called her three times and texted her twice and she never returned my call.
She finally texts me like "oh we talked and we good", but it's like she does NOT take any of teh advice I give her.
I'm not telling her to leave him, I am giving her coping skills, and good advice on self sufficiency.
She just never minds that and goes about her business only to keep getting stomped on.

Get the #A$%%%!!!# out of here!

I was just thinking about posting something about this.

My best friend (at least, I thought of her as that before my SO came along--then I saw what the genuine article is like) done each. and. every. thing on your list; that's why I quoted both your posts in full.

I have done every last thing you have, from spending hours on the phone with her at a time talking her through her mess to researching self-help books (I don't read that genre, so I seriously had to research long and hard for ones I felt comfortable recommending ) and then buying them on Amazon and sending them to her across the country.

The last time we spoke was in August when my family hosted her at their house for a weeklong vacation to give her a "break" from the divorce mess she's going through.

In October or Nov, we played telephone tag for a week or two but when we never connected, apparently we both dropped it. (I figured her divorce and dating life were going fine, hence her willingness not to call--shrug).

I sent her an e-card and text on Christmas and never heard back.

Suddenly last week I get a text: "Where are you? mIss you! Let's talk soon!"

I'm honestly not mad at her because I'm quite busy myself and I don't have a ton of time to talk to her. But even moreso it's because for many years now, it's been more of a "task" for me to talk to her, not a break. We never fight, but it's so frustrating to be the emotionally more together and savvy person. I'm always the one telling her "Girl, you are better than this; don't get back into the cycle of emotionally abusive men" and "that dude you are dating is emotionally unavailable. You're not even divorced from the first emotionally unavailable loser!"

I'm the one always advising her. But if I so much as bring up any minor issue in my life/family/job, I swear I can almost hear her eyes glaze over--I can hear it in her voice! She starts murmuring "mmh-mmm, oh, wow, that's interesting, Yanks. Say, remember what I was saying about Bob? Do you think he thinks that I'm too messed up from my divorce to be able to move on so soon?"

Even back in college, although we did do things together (movies, club, restaurants), it was mostly centered around me tutoring her in how to live better and improve her self-esteem.

With my SO, I learned what a true best friend is. It's so relieving to have someone who supports you and raises you up as much as (actually, in his case more than) you do them!

I'm actually going to call her this weekend. Sigh. I know she must be going through something and need a sounding board/advisor if she went out of her way to contact me.
What friend this does not sound like a friend to me. I had a so-called friend like this years ago and when I would talk about something going on in my life she did not have time for it.

I thought she was my best friend I learned that lesson hard and well

Don't let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs
I prayed about it and this was the answer I got:

As iron sharpens iron; so doth a man
sharpen the countenance of a friend.
-- Proverbs 27:17

All of that means- the friends that you keep, influence and effect your life. After coming to this realization, I released the negative/stressful friends. Your friends will either help to build you up or tear you down- there is no in-between. I don't tear myself down, no way will I allow a so-called "Friend" to do it. She immediately gets taken out of the friend category.

I seek friendships with people who have my answer, not my problem..
I can feel your pain OP. I had 3 'Friends' that I had to back off of for this reason.

1. I have known her since we were 11. Her momma was my grandmom's BF, and good friends with my mom and we all grew up in church. She was my wedding coordinator and that was fine. But we had our ups and downs and had times we stopped speaking in the past. So on the last one I thought we all finally matured. But then I noticed a pattern. If one of her roadies pissed her off, that is when she would be all on my phone, lets go out to dinner, the mall etc. As soon as they kissed and made up, all the events I used to know about and get invited to ceased. I would hear about it after the fact if at all. All I was good for was a phone convo to ask about something that she knew I knew the answer to. I finally caught on and removed myself from that situation.

2. Was the one of the roadies of # 1. We had our own falling out due to BS. Her mom (another church member that us and our moms all grew up together) had issues with me and my mom. I guess because I was getting married and her daughter wasn't even engaged (to a guy she just met). But she was very wrapped in herself and I couldn't be bothered with the me-me-me attitude. So I peeled back off of her first. But when she had surgery I was there (we lived 5min from each other) and was getting her out of the house since she was home bored. I did it because she was my girl. When she came home from school and wanted to hang, she was always first on my list to invite.

3. Was my next door neighbor in college. We were cool all throughout and even when we got home. She was my MatOH in my wedding but didn't get along with # 1 for whatever reason. She agreed to host my wedding shower and then dropped the ball so my mom and one of her friends did it at the last minute. She didn't have to do it, they told her if she couldn't that was fine but she said she would. She tried to cause some hostility during the wedding planning that my other friends kept from me to not make me mad (and whoop her arse). She even got testy with my MaidOH and they knew each other for a long time as well. She was the first of my friends to get hitched and me and my MaidOH was there for her wedding.

When I had my last surgery for fibroids I let my friends know that I would be out of commission for awhile so if you don't hear from me, I am under house arrest. Most of my friends called or sent emails to see how I was doing. Not these 3. I never heard from # 3 at all except to ask me was I coming to her housewarming. She tracked me down to find out and I wasn't even released from my doc yet. That's what you call and text me for? Um i know you got my email about why I was home + the one update I sent about the major blood loss I had (about 5 liters). This was my 3rd and worst surgery to date and I always had a bad recouperation period. Now she only calls me if she wants to weasel back in my life for certain events. I left her in the cold, miss me with your bs. Thanks

When they were recouperating from childbirth or whatever, I would call, see if they needed anything etc. I did what I thought friends do for each other. I heard nothing from these chicks. That hurt a lot especially when I had some friends that I just met online in the last 3 years at that time that surprised me and came over for lunch one day and brought a friend by that was in town for a conference and we went to dinner when I was able to get around. I had known these chicks for a minumum of 20 years each and didn't rate a phone call.

So i gradually backed up from them. #2 lied and told her Godmother that I was weird because they invite me and I never want to go out with them. The funny part is the person she told knows the truth and called her on it. She told her you two never invite her anywhere, hell when I had stuff here and asked you or your mom to invite her and her mom you didn't do that so I know you aren't telling her. No she is fine doing her so quit telling stories. She stepped in and offered her house for my shower at the last minute. #2 and her mom were SALTY!!!!

Sorry for the long post but I truly understand your pain OP. You just have to keep those friends close to you that have your best interests at heart. Give yourself permission to let go and you will be rewarded. Now when I see them I wave and keep it moving. They are still trying to figure me out and I leave them in the dust. And i feel so much freerer :yep:
I had a friend like this. I handled it by leaving her. It's not good for your spirit to have a selfish friend. You will become stressed out and carry all of her problems. It's not fair on you, you have a life of your own. If she wants a counsellor she should pay for one.

I can't stand selfish self righteous folks.

Having said that I am now onto another friend and working on getting rid of her. She is the ultimate snob yet she is not doing anything with her life. It's hard especially if you care about the person but alas, your mental health is important too.

OP keep inspiring people around you. It's so easy to fall into the same trap as your friend (complaining) but what about you? When is the last time you were allowed to spill your heart out to her without any interruptions?

Keep us updated Zee.

You can do it.
Easy. I let her go. She was only calling when she needed advice, favors, etc. She could talk to me for an hour before she would ask, "How was your day?" To make matters worse, she never took any of my advice and would get herself tangled in all these crazy situations (all avoidable!) over and over again. I don't think she's a bad person, but the friendship felt so one sided and it was stressing me out! It's been 5 months and I'm happy with her out of my life!
this happens with me sometimes. I'm the counselor person naturally. I've found what helps me is to remove myself from the situation. I stopped giving advice. more just let them talk as that is what that person wants to do anyway and then I give passive replies (girl it's going to work itself out type replies). that way her negative situation/energy is not being transferred to me. and for the ones that it's only about them and they dont want to hear about me (esp if it's good), I dont talk to them all the time. only when I'm ready.
Preface: This may be shady...

...but I deal when I feel like it. If I have the time and energy I respond. If I don't, I don't.
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I have a friend just like this, I can only take her in small doses!!! Her and my finace really dont get on,

Why do I bother with her, to be honest I would miss her children, but hey they are not my children so I guess I could get over it... humm?