How do you guys handle breakage?


New Member
My last texturizer was early Nov. of last year. So...I'm not even sure that I'm texlaxed anymore (because it's been so long).

For the past few weeks I have noticed breakage (less than an inch in length) on my clothes after I do my hair (a single french braid, for example). Oh, and I don't use combs or brushes.

I use Elasta QP's mango moisturizer and seal with jojoba oil daily. I deep condition, etc. So...I really am at a loss.

Kind of discouraged because I got a weave a few months ago, thinking it would help with growth a little..but turned out to be a setback. :wallbash:

So, here I am, trying to retain length as best as I can, but evidently I need some advice. I'm used to a little shedding, but not ends breaking. Can you ladies offer any suggestions? Thank you...
How often are you DC? Breakage always equals time for a good deep condition for me. I slap nearly half the bottle in my hair and sit under a warm dryer for 30 minutes. I also can't go more than a week or so without shampooing or cowashing, or I will get breakage.

Oil rinses work wonders too. You shampoo, then liberally apply coconut oil (or your preferred oil), DON'T RINSE, apply conditioner, let it sit, then rinse it all out. It makes your hair soooo soft and silky.
I use Aphogee. It's hard core but it works for me. I don't use it every 6 weeks, I only use it when I experience what you described. It always nips my breakage in the bud.
Aphogee has great products when it comes to breakage. You can try the hardcore two step protein treatment, the 2 min Kertain reconstructor, the Green Tea Kertain reconstrizer.

I tried the bolded items and they work great. However if you have major breakage, you should try the 2 step one.
I would try Nexxus Emergencee or Sebastian Penetraitt to stop the breaking. I found Aphogee to hard for my hair. I'm sure anyone of these will stop the breaking. You should use it every 2 weeks until the breaking stops. Then you can do it once a month. I hope this helps.
Do you air dry? When i tried air drying, it use to chip my ends off. When I went back to blow drying, it stopped.
I had major breakage a while ago, I was so distressed so I did a hardcore treatment with nexxus emergencee and went under the dryer; it stopped my breakage, since then I have been doing weekly protein treatments with Nexxus Keraphix or Aphogee 2 min re-constructor; and I have also been maintaining my weekly DC
I would also do a thread search for breakage. These ladies on here are super sharp and have tackled this problem before.
i am also in your shoes....

i texlaxed december.....started to comb on wash days only (once a week) for last 3 weeks......and have experienced unbelievable shedding & breakage.

i was doing the aphogee 2 min every other week and other deep con in helped but not so much.

so i decided i needed the aphogee treatment for damaged hair (which i only do before texlaxing) and did that monday......

last night i decided to do a major comb (wide tooth shower comb) and brush (denman) to get rid of all the shed hairs in my hair....i sectioned hair,sprayed s-curl, aphogee leave in sealed with ors olive oil lotion, then detangled,brushed & braided each section.

i also slept with a baggy.....i repeated the process this morning (moisturising and sealing) on each braid and have my baggy on.....will maintain this till i have to go out.... will bun then

i am being particular bout keeping my hair moisturised and conditioned coz i didnt do a deep con after the 2 step.....BAD I KNOW.

this should help with my breakage....coz i have done it in the past......PLUS i will be doing the 2 min reconstructor weekly till the breakage stops
I would try Nexxus Emergencee or Sebastian Penetraitt to stop the breaking. I found Aphogee to hard for my hair. I'm sure anyone of these will stop the breaking. You should use it every 2 weeks until the breaking stops. Then you can do it once a month. I hope this helps.

I agree...I use both these products to control my breakage and it works...
How often are you DC? Breakage always equals time for a good deep condition for me. I slap nearly half the bottle in my hair and sit under a warm dryer for 30 minutes. I also can't go more than a week or so without shampooing or cowashing, or I will get breakage.

Oil rinses work wonders too. You shampoo, then liberally apply coconut oil (or your preferred oil), DON'T RINSE, apply conditioner, let it sit, then rinse it all out. It makes your hair soooo soft and silky.

Before I washed my hair the other day, I applied castor oil & I didn't rinse all of it out. After I washed, I noticed that I had virtually no breakage. Maybe that was b/c of the castor oil. Maybe the Aphogee had nothing to do w/ it.
Are you dc'ing with heat??? I have learned that when I try to dc without hair starts to break on the ends...Usually I will use Aphoee 2 min. ( my hair doesn't like hard core protein) and then dc with my fav moisturizing condish for about 30 minutes...2x a week until I see no more is usually immediate after that!

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The first thing would be to determine why your hair is breaking. From Friday night, I noticed my hair was breaking. I just landed in a freezing cold country on Thursday morning and I needed more moisture. I think my hair went into shock! It can't be lack of protein because I always protein treat. So today I DCed and used a lot of olive oil. I'm just going to continue moisturising heavily and oiling and leave it in a bun for the next two weeks. That should help with the breakage. So you either DC (with a moisturising DC) and moisturise like crazy or protein treat depending on what the cause of breakage is.
Protein is the culprit I'm sure. My hair hearts protein and whenever I notice some breakage, I do a protein treatment right away. I'm in the protein is my friend challenge and have since started protein treatments every week.
Protein has helped me a lot with my hair breakage. I use Aphogee 2 minute and GVP's version of Redken Extreme Anti Snap treatment.
Breakage has been my problem for years. It has caused me numerous setbacks. I did an Aphogee 2 step two days ago. My hair laughed at that. I still had a sink full of hair after it was all said and done. So I guess I will move on to Nexxus Emergencee next time around.
As soon as I see breakage (more than usual) I use Nexxus Emergencee and follow up with a DC plus I make sure my strands are well moisturized. I also make sure I don't have split ends causing the breakage so do a S&D.