How do you get moist looking hair without grease or oil?


New Member
Is it all in the conditioner you use to DC? Is it internally so you should up your water intake? Or is in conditioner washing? After I rollerset and flat iron my hair it looks so dull without oil? Any suggestions?
my hair has been so moisturized just using elucence mb as a leave in and coconut oil. i blow dry it and braid it and then when i take my hair down in a day or 2 its soooo pretty and soft! it even looks like took a flat iron thru it, you know, have that smooth look going on:grin:
mayb u cud try a hair polisher? they're not greasy an they giv a good shine. i use ors glossing polisher.
I wear my hair wet and in a bun everyday but before I flat iron my hair I clarify, then DC with Jojoba oil and Kenra MC, go under the dryer and then rinse out. Once I rinse it out I put a little more Jojoba oil on my hair and spritz then start rolling.

I can get moist hair if I pre poo with oil but then it's weighed down. So I am not sure what to do.
Maybe you should try moisturizing your hair with a water-based moisturizer then sealing with oil (on wet hair). It always leaves me with moist hair.
As I understand it, hair looks shiny when the cuticle lies flat - the flatter it lies, the shiner the hair looks as it reflects light. If you hair looks dull, I would suggest deep conditioning or maybe different products. Too much product in the hair or not washing frequently enough can also make hair look dull.
I wear my hair wet and in a bun everyday but before I flat iron my hair I clarify, then DC with Jojoba oil and Kenra MC, go under the dryer and then rinse out. Once I rinse it out I put a little more Jojoba oil on my hair and spritz then start rolling.

I can get moist hair if I pre poo with oil but then it's weighed down. So I am not sure what to do.

Do you clarify EVERYDAY? WOWSERS! :nono:

That could be a huge culprit in causing dry, dull looking hair. Maybe you should switch to a moisturizing poo.
Is it all in the conditioner you use to DC? Is it internally so you should up your water intake? Or is in conditioner washing? After I rollerset and flat iron my hair it looks so dull without oil? Any suggestions?

I don't flat iron after rollersetting, I just wrap it and that helps to maintain the natural sheen I get from rollersetting and sitting under the dryer. You might also want to try a saran wrap. CHeck out macherieamour's