How do you get ECO styler gel OUT of your head??


New Member
So lately I have revisted with Eco styler olive oil gel and have found that it gives me the most GORGEOUS defined rocking mini-twist out ever (I have to post updates soon. My hair has been growing like crazy since my B/C). But I'm having a couple of problems. I can't get it out without a clarifying shampoo so I've been clarifying more than once a week! That can't be good. Co-washing is out of the question for me with this gel and a regular shampoo doesn't seem to be doing the trick either. It just sticks and flakes. Also, if I want to re-do a couple of twists after a few days, I can't even seem to even spritz it with water without having it flake up on me. I always have to layer something underneath it because it makes my hair too dry and crunchy without something. I've tried Giovanni direct and coconut oil or sometimes just plain coconut or castor oil but still have the same problems. Does anyone else have these issues?
I do my usual wash/cowash with no problems. Are you rinsing the product out before adding the poo or conditioner? I rinse my hair well before I do anything else.

ETA: I use coconut oil on damp hair, a little conditioner (Tresemme Natural or VO5 - I used to use Taliah Waajid bodifier). I let my hair dry til its just damp to the touch then add the gel with my finger and/or modified denman. Sometimes I add more oil on top. I refresh with water (no flaking) or mousse if it gets to frizzy and I don't want to wet it too much.
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i need to shampoo gel out of my hair otherwise i will get white clumpy residue. this is one of the reasons i do not like gel
I use the olive oil ecostyler (a lot :look: ) and i dont have problems getting it out either. I rinse my hair really well first and i use Jason shampoos most often. Now i do shampoo twice letting the second shampoo sit on there for a minute or so but that is only once a week. I also rinse daily now with no probs.

Ecostyler is kind of thick though, do you use a lot when you apply it? Maybe see if you can get the same results with less gel.
I do my usual wash/cowash with no problems. Are you rinsing the product out before adding the poo or conditioner? I rinse my hair well before I do anything else.

ETA: I use coconut oil on damp hair, a little conditioner (Tresemme Natural or VO5 - I used to use Taliah Waajid bodifier). I let my hair dry til its just damp to the touch then add the gel with my finger and/or modified denman. Sometimes I add more oil on top. I refresh with water (no flaking) or mousse if it gets to frizzy and I don't want to wet it too much.

No, I don't usually rinse first, I just go straight for the shampoo. I will try doing a through rinse first and see if that helps. Thanks!
I use the olive oil ecostyler (a lot :look: ) and i dont have problems getting it out either. I rinse my hair really well first and i use Jason shampoos most often. Now i do shampoo twice letting the second shampoo sit on there for a minute or so but that is only once a week. I also rinse daily now with no probs.

Ecostyler is kind of thick though, do you use a lot when you apply it? Maybe see if you can get the same results with less gel.

I had been using Jason's Sea Kelp Shampoo. Maybe I could let it sit on there for a min to see if that helped.

And yes, I probably do need to use less gel. I tend to be heavy-handed
I have to lather 2-3 times to get it out. I use sulfate free shampoo. You can always try baking soda or keeping the style in longer.
really! I usually just spray water on it and style it the next day. Or I'll rinse it out with water when i'm in the shower. It doesn't stay in my hair like that

Thats what I do also spraying my hair with water gets rid of the gel I'm not heavy handed with it though. :afro:
I'm all like - whaaaaaaaat. I've never heard of anyone having an issue getting Eco Styler out of their hair. I'll be watching for responses just in case I need to pass it along.

My Eco comes out completely with a plane rinse.
Another option could be to dilute your Eco styler so that it causes less build up, I know lots of people mix it with Aloe Vera gel or some kind of oil. I also agree with one of the above posters that rinsing your hair before you shampoo, the pressure from the shower should help remove the product.
I'm heavy handed with Eco styler for my wash and gos. I layer it over giovanni direct leave in and coconut oil and I rinses right out or cowashes out easily. No build up issues.
really! I usually just spray water on it and style it the next day. Or I'll rinse it out with water when i'm in the shower. It doesn't stay in my hair like that

...exactly what I was about to say! :yep:

I've only use EcoStyler Olive Oil Gel once for a wash n go and when I got in the shower, I rinsed my hair and it felt so soft and smooth. I didn't have any sticky flakes beforehand or after. soslychic - Were you extremely heavy handed with the gel or used a heavy product in your hair with the gel?
Rinse as much of it out first, then apply your conditioner or shampoo. Even when using Eco gel (or any gel) I mist my hair with water and then use the gel to lay down my sides or twist my hair. I don't like gel on dry hair, it flakes.
Thanks for all the replies ladies. I've discovered that rinsing out with plain water first does help tremendously. Using this method for several minutes, i am now often able to get it out with a regular shampoo now. But the flaking continues :( I don't understand why. I experience this with no other product. The heaviest thing I ever use it with is Giovanni direct and/or coconut oil. Otherwise, sometimes its just a spray in leave-in w/ some oil. It's strange. And since my hair is not extremely stiff it doesn't seem as if I am using too much. My scalp is not dry, not do I have dandruff. Weird...I am in search of another product that can provide some hold that is not a gel.
really! I usually just spray water on it and style it the next day. Or I'll rinse it out with water when i'm in the shower. It doesn't stay in my hair like that

That is my experience.. I use eco Argan. But I only use it when slicking my hair back in a pony.
I use eco but the clear one and have no issues as long as I rinse out a majority of the product prior to shampooing.
I like wetline gel and camille rose curl maker gel. I know you said that you don't want to use gel, but these are lighter versions and it may give you the results you want without all the build up.