How Do You Flat Iron?


New Member
How do you flat iron your hair?

I am a transitioner and I would like to get this thing down
. When I last flat ironed, I roller set my hair first then swiped each section once (when dry) with a warm flat iron. Now I am finding out that some just air dry their hair then flat iron?

If you air dry, do you get swingy hair after flat ironing? That is why I had tried the roller set first -- to get that swing effect. What is your regimen?

Hi Chichi,

I usually air dry my hair when there's time before I iron. I use L'oreal's smooth intense serum, but not too much otherwise ur hair won't get that swing bouncy affect. I also use a medium setting.

I flat air dry and flat iron. Here's my routine:

I wash w/ a non SLS shampoo, condition w/ Pantene S&S, comb through in the shower, then air dry in two braids. Once my hair is completely dry, I then flat iron in small sections with just a bit of Kemi OYl from root to tip. The trick is to use just a DOT OF KEMI OYL, b/c if you use too much, your hair get weighted down. After flat ironing, I wrap my hair overnight. The wrapping really helps to lay the hair down and make it super swingy. I have pics in my album of the results!
ayanapooh said:
I flat air dry and flat iron. Here's my routine:

I wash w/ a non SLS shampoo, condition w/ Pantene S&S, comb through in the shower, then air dry in two braids. Once my hair is completely dry, I then flat iron in small sections with just a bit of Kemi OYl from root to tip. The trick is to use just a DOT OF KEMI OYL, b/c if you use too much, your hair get weighted down. After flat ironing, I wrap my hair overnight. The wrapping really helps to lay the hair down and make it super swingy. I have pics in my album of the results!

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I also air dry then flat iron. I use hot six oil and wrap after flat ironing, and the results always turn out shiny and swingy.
shinyblackhair said:
Your flat ironed hair pic looks excellent. Good shine and your hair is so healthy looking.

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Yes, Ayanapooh's hair is very pretty.
Thanks for all of the tips! I don't know what I was doing by rollersetting first and adding more heat to the mix.

Ayanapooh your hair looks great!
