How Do You Feel When....


Active Member
you choose Jesus before anyone else.

I faced this dilemma today at work. A fellow co-worker is a text messaging psychopath. I have asked her not to send me any text messages that are phornographic or have cursing in them. For awhile this was fine, I would get a cute message now and again. Last night while I was in class (Programming Major), I kept getting text messages after text one after the other. The messages were what I consider horrible and vulgar with cursing.

When she arrived to work this morning we said our greetings. She then asked if I received her text messages. I told her that I had received them but I had not payed any attention to them because I was in class. I honestly had not read that filth. I said in a friendly way. She was clueless that I had rqusted no profane or sexual texts or emails. She made a comment about what about emails that I send. In fact, I have never sent anything but Christian emails or jokes. In reality she had gotten me confused with another friend. I think that I hurt her feelings but I feel that I have to stop the messages from coming because they are offending me and I want to be a Christian everyday in everyway.
Can you think of any other ways this issue could have been resolved.

Have you ever been in a similar situation....what happened? How did you handle it?

I am so glad that I have chosen Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior and I know that I cannot live without him and I wont let anyone cross that line. I have never felt guilty for telling someone about it but some people just don't get it. In closing the last words that I said to her about the issue was to just trust in the Lord. I haven't said anything else to her all day. :ohwell:
Well, I'm in a relationship now. And I have to choose Christ before this guy. First of all, the guy is not even Christian. Don't get me started.

Well anyway, no one said it's easy being Christian. Continue to choose Christ first.
You did the right and courageous thing. You stood your ground and sometimes that isn't easy. Further down the road in life this young lady may turn around because of the stand that you are taking now. If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. Because of you she just may see the light. Stay the way you are for you are doing fine. The fact that you are asking if you could have done something differently shows that you are a caring conscientious person. Sometimes people's feelings may get hurt but when they see your kind heart they will come around. God bless you!!:)
Your co-worker might not know you well enough at this point. The reason why I say that is because if she did, she would be selective in the items that she chooses to send to you, based on your lifestyle and beliefs.

I have noticed that the more someone gets to know me the more that they realize what I am about. I have some friends who do leave vulgar messages on their other friends' myspace pages, thru text msg, and emails. That stuff never seem to make it on my webpage, phone, or email, because they know that it would not be appealing nor amusing to me. I never even had to express that to them verbally. If I do get something like this from someone that I am just getting to know, I do not entertain the message simply by doing what you did, by not replying to it or deleting it from my webpage.

In this case I would just continue what it is that you are doing and see if this young lady eventually stops sending you these types of emails. If she continues I don't think there is anything wrong with politely asking that she does not send you them again. If she continue after that I would distance myself from her because that would mean that she doesn't respect how I feel about the matter.
Thanks everybody for your input...keep it coming!

I think one thing that I did wrong was to ignore and delete it. I think that I may have enabled her to "think" that it was okay. I also put myself in this position by not saying anything at first...just thinking that she would get the hint when I did not share any delight in the. I spoke with a spiritual friend about it and she said that she gets the text to and she ignores them because the lady is so sweet yada yada. I think that one thing that was really frustrating me is because the woman that is sending the text messages is blaspheming the works of god. First of all she sends emails talking about how Jesus loves you or something to encourage and enrich. She will then send images and email that are unholy. That is really scary for me. It is almost like I am sitting with the devil. Nice lady or not, I cannot ignore that for my personal spiritual well being, as for me to is to sin agains God because he knows I know the truth.
StellaB said:
Thanks everybody for your input...keep it coming!

I think one thing that I did wrong was to ignore and delete it. I think that I may have enabled her to "think" that it was okay. I also put myself in this position by not saying anything at first...just thinking that she would get the hint when I did not share any delight in the. I spoke with a spiritual friend about it and she said that she gets the text to and she ignores them because the lady is so sweet yada yada. I think that one thing that was really frustrating me is because the woman that is sending the text messages is blaspheming the works of god. First of all she sends emails talking about how Jesus loves you or something to encourage and enrich. She will then send images and email that are unholy. That is really scary for me. It is almost like I am sitting with the devil. Nice lady or not, I cannot ignore that for my personal spiritual well being, as for me to is to sin agains God because he knows I know the truth.

Here's how I handle these types of emails/texts: I respond with a friendly "girl you know I'm trying to keep my mind on the Lord, don't be sending me this foolishness...":)

I always add a lil smiley face so they know I'm not being mean. It works everytime.;)
I second that. I would keep telling her "girl, you know I'm trying to stay foucused on the lord." She will eventually stop when she realizes that you are not paying that mess any attention.
Yes. Christ comes first. I have had people text or email filthy stuff. Guys seem worse about this than girls. I notice a lot of times, I'll meet a guy, and think he's nice. Then he'll text or call, and the conversation will try to turn sexual. I don't entertain it. I don't laugh or make him think it's funny. If you give people an inch, they'll try to take a mile!
Don't feel guilty for choosing Christ first. Tell her as many times as needed that you would rather not receive content such as that..and if push comes to shove, ask her to not include you in any text messgages.

Personally, I cant stand receiving mass text messages no matter what the content is...When i get texts and "chain letters" through text messages I always get a lil perturbed. I'm just not a texting type person I guess, lol.