How do you expect me to act civilized?


Well-Known Member
Ok, you all. I feel a littel fire burning. I got out of Bible Study and prayer meeting about an hour ago. We have different classes. I went to "Women in the Bible."

Ok.... So why give Zeal ammunition. Let's see..... Zeal - Ammunition. Zeal - Ammunition.

ZEAL - a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause);
AMMUNITION - information, advice, or supplies to help defend or attack a viewpoint, argument, or claim

WHY ????

See..... this is why I don't need to go to church (kidding). I get a Rhema word and I am just ...... :drunk::spinning::spinning:

Why tell me what it means to be Female Gen 1:27, Woman - Gen 2:22-23, Wife 2:24, Mother Gen 4:1. Break them all down. Let me know that there are plenty of females in the world, but few - Women, wives and mothers. I mean she broke it dwon to Chinatown. She talked about how having a child does not make you a Mother. Ok check this a mother births something into something that would not have life without.

Why would you just confirm who I am when I am already dangerous. Are you crazy? Why fortify me like that. How do you expect me to be the same. How do you expect me to act civilzed? Sigh.... I just need to go bed. I really want to share more.. :spinning::spinning::spinning:

I had to share that.
Ok, you all. I feel a littel fire burning. I got out of Bible Study and prayer meeting about an hour ago. We have different classes. I went to "Women in the Bible."

Ok.... So why give Zeal ammunition. Let's see..... Zeal - Ammunition. Zeal - Ammunition.

ZEAL - a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause);
AMMUNITION - information, advice, or supplies to help defend or attack a viewpoint, argument, or claim

WHY ????

See..... this is why I don't need to go to church (kidding). I get a Rhema word and I am just ...... :drunk::spinning::spinning:

Why tell me what it means to be Female Gen 1:27, Woman - Gen 2:22-23, Wife 2:24, Mother Gen 4:1. Break them all down. Let me know that there are plenty of females in the world, but few - Women, wives and mothers. I mean she broke it dwon to Chinatown. She talked about how having a child does not make you a Mother. Ok check this a mother births something into something that would not have life without.

Why would you just confirm who I am when I am already dangerous. Are you crazy? Why fortify me like that. How do you expect me to be the same. How do you expect me to act civilzed? Sigh.... I just need to go bed. I really want to share more.. :spinning::spinning::spinning:

I had to share that.

For some reason the bolded stuck in my mind this past weekend. I kept thinking about it over and over again.

I wonder if the Holy Spirit trying to tell me something.:look: