How do you deal with discouragement?

Have you ever had a time where nothing seems to be going right? Where it feels like you're being attacked on every side and every time you look, here comes something else? Finances, relationships, family, you name it. I seem to be in that situation right now and it is very discouraging. I have faith that it will all work out in my favor, but sometimes I just get tired. Times like these let me know that I only have God to count on ultimately, but it still feels like my prayers don't get past the ceiling.

Am I the only one who feels like this? Like I'm in a battle and I have to keep fighting but I'm pooped. I know the battle is the Lord's, but I can't ignore what is going on in my own life, you know? I can't be a idle passenger in my own life. How do you recharge yourself? What gives you energy to keep praying when you don't even know which problem to start on first?

Sorry I'm rambling, but if nothing else, pray for me.
Sister girl, I feel your pain. I'm in the exact same position a you right now. Its so hard to keep smiling when it seems my entire world is falling apart. But still I press on. The battle I'm fighting right now is not a ME size battle but a GOD size battle. I cant fight anymore. While I was running around driving myself nuts about what to do, the only thing that kept coming to my mind was to be still and see the salvation of the Lord. So I finally got still and then I got mad because I'm a child of the most High God, and the enemy was running around over here treating me like a red headed step child. So I got up one monrning took my kids to school, came home and gave my house a spiritual cleaning. I bound up everything that need to be bound, like fear anger dispare all negative vibes that I knew were against the Word of God. I then released the positive promises of God into my life and home.

Then I put on me some praise music and walked the floor of my house and prayed and praised the Lord all by myself. I shed tears of joy, tears of release. I turned my situation over to God. I know if anybody had walked up to my window they would have thought I'd lost my mind cause I danced in the Lord, just had me a Holy Ghost good time.
I try to think of good things and I also look to my Bible or pray if I ever get really discouraged about something. I hate when any type of negativity tries to ruin my day. Thinking about how this earth isn't our permanent dwelling place is helpful too. I know this life of trials and tribulations is not going to last forever. I will be home with my heavenly Father one day... that's good news! Also, try not to think about the past or the future (that includes what's going to happen the next min, the next hr, & so forth). Just live day by day and cherish each sec, min, hour, & day as a gift from God. ;)
I try to pray and talk to a close friend about what's going on in my life. Sometimes I'll read my Bible or a spiritual book.
honeylove316 said:
Have you ever had a time where nothing seems to be going right? Where it feels like you're being attacked on every side and every time you look, here comes something else? Finances, relationships, family, you name it. I seem to be in that situation right now and it is very discouraging. I have faith that it will all work out in my favor, but sometimes I just get tired. Times like these let me know that I only have God to count on ultimately, but it still feels like my prayers don't get past the ceiling.

Am I the only one who feels like this? Like I'm in a battle and I have to keep fighting but I'm pooped. I know the battle is the Lord's, but I can't ignore what is going on in my own life, you know? I can't be a idle passenger in my own life. How do you recharge yourself? What gives you energy to keep praying when you don't even know which problem to start on first?

Sorry I'm rambling, but if nothing else, pray for me.

I was in your situation last year. I found that by being alone with my thoughts and by observing nature around me and by praying, I was able to over my problems. My problems are still here they are not gone but faith pulled me through.
honeylove316 said:
Have you ever had a time where nothing seems to be going right? Where it feels like you're being attacked on every side and every time you look, here comes something else? Finances, relationships, family, you name it. I seem to be in that situation right now and it is very discouraging. I have faith that it will all work out in my favor, but sometimes I just get tired. Times like these let me know that I only have God to count on ultimately, but it still feels like my prayers don't get past the ceiling.

Am I the only one who feels like this? Like I'm in a battle and I have to keep fighting but I'm pooped. I know the battle is the Lord's, but I can't ignore what is going on in my own life, you know? I can't be a idle passenger in my own life. How do you recharge yourself? What gives you energy to keep praying when you don't even know which problem to start on first?

Sorry I'm rambling, but if nothing else, pray for me.
Battles are signs that God is using the enemy to help take us to the next level in life. During this time pray more often even if it is for 15 minutes throughout the day and recite scriptures out loud. Let the devil know that your battle is being fought and won on your knees. God specailizes when all hell is breaking lose. HOLD ON. God can do EVERYTHING but fail. And, I know that's right. :)
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I am fighting a battle with myself. I don't know what to do. I am depressed because I feel like I am going to let everyone down if I fall apart but yet I am currently falling apart and no one knows.

Confusing, yes it is.
I really had not thought about how I deal with discouragement. One thing I know that I have is "pepto". Encouragement. I get it from many places. It can be a song. I know that when things seem to be going down hill for me I am usually more open to what God is saying. I tend to think that when things are going good it is time for me to step back up and take control (i know I am not the only one that feels like this sometimes) then when things go wrong I want to try and had things over to God. He is teaching me how to trust Him. Sometimes he'll send me encouragement (pepto) through my husband, my smiling little boy, a song, the birds, anything. I remember one time i was having a hard morning..broke, car trippin, son being uncoopertive (sp), running late, traffic, etc and I was frustrated. And I just whispered under my voice and asked Him to help me. He sent me a song. It blessed me so much I started crying on the way to work. Things didn't necessarily get better through my eyes, but I had that song to encourage me through the day.
sorry for rambling. I guess I said all that to say that I just try to be open to what God has for me. the things that we look for in times of discouragement may not be what the Lord will have for us. Look for the Pepto. All in all- God is preparing you. (and me) Remeber -you are walking THROUGH the valley, not setting up shop.
READ THE BOOK OF PSALM!!!!! or better yet, study the life of King David :yep:

I love the book of Psalm because David is SO HONEST when he speaks to God. David went through TRIAL after TRIAL--I mean, people were trying to KILL this dude! You see his despair in the songs he writes to God...he was NOT afraid to tell God how he was feeling, no matter how brutal it was. HOWEVER, in the midst of David's despair, you see that he ALWAYS, ALWAYS gave God glory at the end of his psalms. It's truely AMAZING. I think this paints a picture of how Christian's are supposed to respond in the midst of trial.

When you praise God there's an uplifting. The Bible says that God "inhabits our praises", so what BETTER time to praise God than in the middle of trial!!! As hard as it may be, I encourage you to give God praise and honor, THANK him even when times are tough. While it may seem like NOTHING is going right, trust me, there's always SOMETHING going right. Find that something, and thank God for it. I'll start you off.....You're alive! That's something to praise God for!