How Do You Chase/seek After God?

Im realizing that I need to do this more and want to know how others go about seeking Him.
:wave: Hi :bighug:

@Chocoluxe ... you've already taken the first and most important step...'your desire to know more of God'. That's where it starts, 'your desire'. And God promises to give your the 'Desires of your heart...' (Psalm 37:4)

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

We seek God by reading His word; each day that you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the scripture and scriptures that you should read. He will... yes, He will lead you to them, for sure. :yep:

Pray what's in your heart; nothing deep nor fancy, just be 'you', just be open and honest and just talk to the Lord each day throughout the day. You will feel His presence in your heart.

Listen to worship songs; songs that sing of God's greatness and mercies and love. There will always be those special songs that flow in and out of your heart and bring you closer to God. You'll know them when you hear them; the Holy Spirit will also lead you to His soft and gentle way. God is never forceful, always a gentle loving presence.

Dearest One... just know always that God loves you and He looks forward to you each and everyday. There's no one to compete with, it's just you and Him, forever in one another's heart, all the way.

God Bless You... Precious One. You are indeed loved by God for always and forever.

:wave: Hi :bighug:

@Chocoluxe ... you've already taken the first and most important step...'your desire to know more of God'. That's where it starts, 'your desire'. And God promises to give your the 'Desires of your heart...' (Psalm 37:4)

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

We seek God by reading His word; each day that you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the scripture and scriptures that you should read. He will... yes, He will lead you to them, for sure. :yep:

Pray what's in your heart; nothing deep nor fancy, just be 'you', just be open and honest and just talk to the Lord each day throughout the day. You will feel His presence in your heart.

Listen to worship songs; songs that sing of God's greatness and mercies and love. There will always be those special songs that flow in and out of your heart and bring you closer to God. You'll know them when you hear them; the Holy Spirit will also lead you to His soft and gentle way. God is never forceful, always a gentle loving presence.

Dearest One... just know always that God loves you and He looks forward to you each and everyday. There's no one to compete with, it's just you and Him, forever in one another's heart, all the way.

God Bless You... Precious One. You are indeed loved by God for always and forever.


Thank you so much @Shimmie !! You have a way of using words so beautifully that I literally felt a wave of calm wash over me as I read your post. I pray God blesses you with His unlimited favor and more blessings than you have room to receive.
@Shimmie said it beautifully

I'll add my 2 cents. I see it as being similar to establishing a relationship with your spouse/significant other. As part of getting closer to that person, you try to spend time with them, talk to them often, buy them gifts, know their likes/dislikes etc. A relationship with out Heavenly Father is no different. Spend time with him in worship, talk to him in prayer, give him the gift of a well lived Christian life, know his likes/dislikes by reading His word.

He longs to have relationship with us. He loved to spend time with Adam each day in the garden of Eden and he loves to spend time with us. I agree with @Shimmie....just talk to him normally. Tell him exactly what you are feeling, no need for pretense as he already knows it all. There are times when I tell God straight up...'I feel upset, I feel bitter, but God I know this is not of you so please just take it away'. And you know what, it amazes me how he answers simple prayers like that.

I read this in my devotion this morning...may it minister to you as it did me:

Psalm 66 v 20
Praise be to God,
who has not rejected my prayer
or withheld his love from me!
@Shimmie said it beautifully

I'll add my 2 cents. I see it as being similar to establishing a relationship with your spouse/significant other. As part of getting closer to that person, you try to spend time with them, talk to them often, buy them gifts, know their likes/dislikes etc. A relationship with out Heavenly Father is no different. Spend time with him in worship, talk to him in prayer, give him the gift of a well lived Christian life, know his likes/dislikes by reading His word.

He longs to have relationship with us. He loved to spend time with Adam each day in the garden of Eden and he loves to spend time with us. I agree with @Shimmie....just talk to him normally. Tell him exactly what you are feeling, no need for pretense as he already knows it all. There are times when I tell God straight up...'I feel upset, I feel bitter, but God I know this is not of you so please just take it away'. And you know what, it amazes me how he answers simple prayers like that.

I read this in my devotion this morning...may it minister to you as it did me:

Psalm 66 v 20
Praise be to God,
who has not rejected my prayer
or withheld his love from me!

This is far more than 2 cents....

It's worth far more than rubies and far, far more than millions upon millions... it's the heart of God flowing from your heart to all who your message.

Beautiful... :love3:
Thank you so much @Shimmie !! You have a way of using words so beautifully that I literally felt a wave of calm wash over me as I read your post. I pray God blesses you with His unlimited favor and more blessings than you have room to receive.


Thank you, so much. :love3:
I think the first step is getting rid of distractions. I just said on another post that I went on detox from anything that wasn't spiritually edifying to me or enhancing my mind with knowledge. I went on an unfollowing spree on facebook, I stopped going to gossip websites and the news, I threw out movies and books of darkness, and just started focusing on positive things. I feel so freer and cleaner.