How do you care for your straw set?


New Member
I just got a straw set and I usually just sleep with a satin cap and fluff out the curls in the morning. I uusually just put some kind of grease or curl definer in it and spray on some keracare oil sheen? What do you use on your straw set???? Oh yeah, after I wash out my straw sets after wearing it for about 2 weeks I lose alot of hair. Is there anything I can do to avoid this or is this normal (the hair I would have lost if I were combing my hair during a two week period)?
I used to do pretty much the same thing when I used to get these, but that was before I found LHCF so I dunno if that's really the proper way to do it. I'd like to hear from some of the more experienced ladies on what should be done in this situation though.

As for the shedding, yeah i'm pretty sure that's normal, since you're not combing your hair at all while you have a straw set. I probably wouldn't wait two weeks to wash it out either though, as you can get a lot of build-up in that time which could cause more breakage/shedding.
I usually use some sort of oil spray like hot six oil but not a lot cos of build up. Something to give it shine. But I don't lose a lot of hair after 2 weeks. Do you manipulate it when wetting it? I let the water completely wet my hair before I shampoo.
i used to get rods all of the time. that is just shedding. also i would just sleep pretty and i would use some type of light oil or pomade to give shine. when some of them would start to look old or messed up, i would just re-rod them.
i used to get rods all of the time. that is just shedding. also i would just sleep pretty and i would use some type of light oil or pomade to give shine. when some of them would start to look old or messed up, i would just re-rod them.
sleep pretty:lachen:too funny!
Yeah that's what I do :lachen::lachen:Sleep Pretty too!!!! i've gotten so many compliments on my hair today from everyone, especially white people. I attend a majority white university and I've really gotten tons of compliments from them. I think they find it fascinating that drinking straws can create such a beautiful style. I'll try to post a pic when I get home.:grin::grin::grin:
I did the same thing you described (though I admit I haven't had a straw set since I was transitioning). I wore a satin bonnet, refluffed in the morning and added moisture. The hair you're losing probably is just shed hair.
Yeah that's what I do :lachen::lachen:Sleep Pretty too!!!! i've gotten so many compliments on my hair today from everyone, especially white people. I attend a majority white university and I've really gotten tons of compliments from them. I think they find it fascinating that drinking straws can create such a beautiful style. I'll try to post a pic when I get home.:grin::grin::grin:

Did you do them yourself? i want some for my birthday.