How do you bun without damage?


New Member
What are the tricks to a nice looking bun without damaging the ends? I love buns but I always think that in order to keep in secure with a pin or something that might damage or stress the ends. How do you do it?
I did a thread like this a while ago and someone said they use good hair day pins which are less damaging.
When I did buns with Good Hair Day pins, I never had damage.


SouthernTease made a youtube video of how she does her buns, with no clips at all; just hair sticks.

& also, when i bun, i use regular ol' bobby pins, but i stretch them out a little bit so then don't clamp down on my hair so much. i haven't had any damage.
Those look like they would tear through your hair......they're pretty thick.

Do you put them in like regular hair pins?

I was scared of them initially too, but they really don't tug/tear/pull, at all. You have to be more careful taking them OUT (they have a WICKED hold) than putting them in. I've found that sticking my pinkie finger in the 'round' bit at the top opens the pin enough to easily pull it out of my hair.

I use them just like regular hair pins, except these actually hold my hair, rather than falling out as soon as I scratch my head. :lol:
When I do my bun nowadays I just pull my hair through my scrunchie, but when I pull my hair through, I pull it out "just enough" so that my ends do not come through.

If your hair is long enough, you can try it that way. If you do it that way you won't need any pins....(at least I usually do not use them anymore).

ITA Good Hair Day pins are great. I use them daily and I never lose hair b/c its wide enough that hair doesn't get trapped between the prongs.
I wrap my hair around itself and then tuck the ends gently underneath the scrunchie (I hate to call it that it sounds so old school :perplexed )